This is a listing of Medals awarded to NAM-POWs by Medal, from the Medal of Honor down to the Purple Heart. Since all POWs were authorized the Purple Heart, only those that were awarded two or more are listed. Medals that are equivalent by service are listed alphabetically (Air Force Cross/Distinguished Service Cross/Navy Cross, etc). Personnel are ranked within each list by number of times awarded that particular medal, and then alphabetically by last name. Ranks listed are highest rank held in the military. An (*) denotes person who is not a member of NAM-POWs Corp.

Medal of Honor (Total Awards: 8)
*The names of all MOH recipients link to their respective profile on MOH Society

Air Force Cross (Total Awards: 28)
Col James H. Kasler, USAF (3 awards, only person ever awarded 3 AFC’s) (dec)
Col John A. Dramesi, USAF (2 awards)*
Brig Gen James R. Risner, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Edwin L. Atterberry, USAF (Posthumously)
Maj Arthur N. Black, USAF
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF
Col William D. Burroughs, USAF
Col Fred V. Cherry, USAF
LtCol Earl G. Cobeil, USAF (Posthumously)
Col Thomas J. Curtis, USAF
Col George E. Day, USAF (dec)
Lt Gen John P. Flynn, USAF (dec)
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF (dec)
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (dec)
LtCol Ramon A. Horinek, USAF
Col Harold E. Johnson, USAF
Col Thomas H. Kirk, Jr., USAF
Capt Duane W. Martin, USAF (Posthumously)
Col George G. McKnight, USAF
Capt William A. Robinson, USAF
Col Norman Schmidt, USAF (Posthumously)
LtCol Ronald E. Storz, USAF (Posthumously)
Col Konrad W. Trautman, USAF
Col Norman L. Wells, USAF
Distinguished Service Cross (Total Awards: 4)
Capt Isaac Camacho, USA
Capt Luis G. Chirichigno, USA
Col Artice W. Elliott, USA
Maj Mark A. Smith, USA
Capt George K. Wanat, Jr., USA
Navy Cross (Total Awards: 10)
Capt Kenneth R. Cameron, USN (Posthumously)
CDR George T. Coker, USN
LCDR James J. Connell, USN (Posthumously)
Lt Dieter Dengler, USN (dec)
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN (dec)
Capt John C. Ensch, USN
CW4 John W. Frederick, USMC (Posthumously)
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN
Capt Eugene B. McDaniel, USN
Capt Homer L. Smith, USN (Posthumously)
Defense Distinguished Service Medal (Total Awards: 4)
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen David E. Baker, USAF
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN (dec)
Air Force Distinguished Service Medal (Total Awards: 24)
LtGen John P. Flynn, USAF (3 awards) (dec)
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col Elmo C. Baker, USAF
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF
Maj Gen William J. Breckner, Jr., USAF (dec)
Brig Gen Ralph T. Browning, USAF
Col Ronald E. Byrne, Jr., USAF
Col James Q. Collins, Jr., USAF
Col George E. Day, USAF (dec)
Brig Gen Norman C. Gaddis, USAF
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF (dec)
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF
Brig Gen Alan P. Lurie, USAF
Col Thomas M. Madison, USAF
Maj Gen Edward J. Mechenbier, USAF
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF
Brig Gen Jon A. Reynolds, USAF
Brig Gen James R. Risner, USAF (dec)
Col Jack L. Van Loan, USAF
Brig Gen David W. Winn, USAF (dec)
Navy Distinguished Service Medal (Total Awards: 14)
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN (4 awards) (dec)
VADM James B. Stockdale, USN (3 awards) (dec)
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN (2 awards)
Capt Render Crayton, USN
Capt Michael P. Cronin, USN
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN (dec)
RADM Robert H. Shumaker, USN
CDR James B. Souder, USN
Army Distinguished Service Medal (Total Awards: 2)
CW4 James E. Nowicki, USA
Col Floyd J. Thompson, USA (dec)
Silver Star (Total Awards: 590)
Col Elmo C. Baker, USAF (4 awards)
Col Michael L. Brazelton, USAF (4 awards)
Col Thomas H. Kirk, Jr., USAF (4 awards)
LtCol Edward W. Leonard, Jr., USAF (4 awards)
Col George G. McKnight, USAF (4 awards)
VADM James B. Stockdale, USN (4 awards) (dec)
Col Ronald E. Byrne, Jr., USAF (3 awards)
CDR Allan R. Carpenter, USN (3 awards)
Col H.C. Copeland, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Arthur Cormier, USAF (3 awards) (dec)
Col Robert R. Craner, USAF (3 awards) (dec)
Capt Render Crayton, USN (3 awards)
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN (3 awards) (dec)
Capt Edward A. Davis, USN (3 awards) (dec)
Col David H. Duart, USAF (3 awards)
Col Kenneth Fisher, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol David E. Ford, USAF (3 awards) (dec)
CDR William M. Hardman, USN (3 awards) (dec)
LtCol Jay C. Hess, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Harry T. Jenkins, USN (3 awards) (dec)
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN (3 awards) (dec)
Col Vernon P. Ligon, Jr., USAF (3 awards) (dec)
Col Warren R. Lilly, USAF (3 awards)
Col Thomas M. McNish, Sr., USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Cowan G. Nix, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Howard E. Rutledge, USN (3 awards) (dec)
Maj Wesley D. Schierman, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol William R. Schwertfeger, USAF (3 awards)
Col John E. Stavast, USAF (3 awards) (dec)
Col Robert L. Stirm, USAF (3 awards)
Col Richard D. Vogel, USAF (3 awards)
Col Robert A. Abbott, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Wendell R. Alcorn, USN (2 awards)
MSgt John T. Anderson, USA (2 awards)
Col William R. Austin, USAF (2 awards)
Col Bobby R. Bagley, USAF (2 awards)
CDR James W. Bailey, USN (2 awards)
Col Robert W. Barnett, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas J. Barrett, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James F. Bell, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Kile D. Berg, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol James R. Berger, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Robert I. Biss, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Capt Cole Black, USN (2 awards)
LtCol John C. Blevins, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Ronald G. Bliss, USAF (2 awards)
Col Jack W. Bomar, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Michael J. Bosiljevac, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF (2 awards)
MSG Harvey G. Brande, USA (2 awards)
Col John W. Brodak, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Edward A. Brudno, USAF (2 awards) (Posthumously)
LCDR Richard M. Brunhaver, USN (2 awards)
Col Alan L. Brunstrom, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Hubert E. Buchanan, USAF (2 awards)
Col William D. Burroughs, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Phillip N. Butler, USN (2 awards)
Capt William W. Butler, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Issac Camacho, USA (2 awards)
LtCol Burton W. Campbell, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Arvin R. Chauncey, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Larry J. Chesley, USAF (2 awards)
LCDR Michael D. Christian, USN (2 awards) (dec)
CDR Claude D. Clower, USN (2 awards)
Col James Q. Collins, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas E. Collins, III, USAF (2 awards)
Col Kenneth W. Cordier, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Michael P. Cronin, USN (2 awards)
Col Frederick A. Crow, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Robert B. Doremus, USN (2 awards)
Capt Dale W. Doss, USN (2 awards)
Col Daniel J. Doughty, USAF (2 awards)
Col Richard A. Dutton, USAF (2 awards)
Col Leon F. Ellis, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col David Everson, USAF (2 awards)
Col John Fer, USAF (2 awards)
Col John S. Finlay, III, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Hubert K. Flesher, USAF (2 awards)
Col Fredric R. Flom, USAF (2 awards)
Col Henry P. Fowler, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN (2 awards)
Brig Gen Norman C. Gaddis (2 awards)
CDR Ralph E. Gaither, USN (2 awards)
CDR Danny E. Glenn, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Charles E. Greene, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Guy D. Gruters, USAF (2 awards)
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col George R. Hall, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col Carlyle S. Harris, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald L. Heiliger, USAF (2 awards)
Col Howard J. Hill, USAF (2 awards)
Col James E. Hiteshew, USAF (2 awards)
Col James O. Hivner, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Ramon A. Horinek, USAF (2 awards)
Col Kenneth R. Hughey, USAF (2 awards)
Col Julius S. Jayroe, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
LtCol Jay R. Jensen, USAF (2 awards)
Col Harold E. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Samuel R. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Robert C. Jones, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Paul A. Kari, USAF (2 awards)
Col James H. Kasler, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Rodney A. Knutson, USN (2 awards)
Capt Theodore F. Kopfman, USN (2 awards) (dec)
Col James L. Lamar, USAF (2 awards)
Col Gordon A. Larson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Carl W. Lasiter, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Ronald M. Lebert, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Jose D. Luna, USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas M. Madison, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Michael K. McCuistion, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Eugene B. McDaniel, USN (2 awards)
Capt John B. McKamey, USN (2 awards) (dec)
LtCol Kevin J. McManus, USAF (2 awards)
LCDR George P. McSwain, Jr., USN (2 awards) (dec)
Maj Gen Edward J. Mechenbier, USAF (2 awards)
Col Raymond J. Merritt, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Alton B. Meyer, USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas N. Moe, USAF (2 awards)
Col Harold D. Monlux, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Ernest M. Moore, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Capt James A. Mulligan, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Col Thomas E. Norris, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol James P. Padgett, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas V. Parrott, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Glendon W. Perkins, USAF (2 awards)
Col Douglas B. Peterson, USAF (2 awards)
Col John J. Pitchford, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Ben M. Pollard, USAF (2 awards)
Col Benjamin H. Purcell, USA (2 awards) (dec)
Capt Frederick R. Purrington, USN (2 awards)
Maj Darrel E. Pyle, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
LtCol Thomas S. Pyle, II, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Jon A. Reynolds, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen James R. Risner, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col Paul K. Robinson, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CDR David J. Rollins, USN (2 awards)
Col Robert J. Sandvick, USAF (2 awards)
Col Bruce G. Seeber, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James R. Shively, USAF (2 awards)
RADM Robert H. Shumaker, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas W. Sima, USAF (2 awards)
Col Kenneth A. Simonet, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
LtCol Jerry A. Singleton, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Bradley E. Smith, USN (2 awards)
Col Dewey L. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard E. Smith, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Wayne O. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Larry H. Spencer, USN (2 awards)
Capt William R. Stark, USN (2 awards)
CDR Theodore G. Stier, USN (2 awards)
Col Hervey S. Stockman, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
Col Leroy W. Stutz, USAF (2 awards)
Col Dwight E. Sullivan, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Orson G. Swindle, III, USMC (2 awards)
Col Bernard L. Talley, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Charles N. Tanner, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Russell E. Temperley, USAF (2 awards)
Col Irby D. Terrell, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
SGM Dennis L. Thompson, USA (2 awards)
Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Loren H. Torkelson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Gerald S. Venanzi, USAF (2 awards)
Col Raymond W. Vissotzky, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Raymond A. Vohden, USN (2 awards)
Col Dewey W. Waddell, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert F. Waggoner, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald G. Waltman, USAF (2 awards)
Col Ronald J. Webb, USAF (2 awards)
Col Norman L. Wells, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol John H. Wendell, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Lewis I. Williams, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Brig Gen David W. Winn, USAF (2 awards) (dec)
CDR Robert D. Woods, USN (2 awards)
Col James F. Young, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Joseph S. Abbott, Jr., USAF
Col Wilfred K. Abbott, USAF
MSG David F. Allwine, USA
CDR Everett Alvarez, Jr., USN
LCDR Gareth L. Anderson, USN
LtCol Edwin L. Atterberry, USAF (Posthumously)
SSG William A. Baird, USA
CDR Frederick C. Baldock, Jr., USN
LtCol Arthur T. Ballard, Jr., USAF
LtCol Lawrence Barbay, USAF
Col William J. Baugh, USAF
Col James E. Bean, USAF
Col Richard E. Bolstad, USAF
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF
LtCol Terry L. Boyer, USAF
Capt Allen C. Brady, USN
Maj Gen William J. Breckner, Jr., USAF
LtCol Richard C. Brenneman, USAF
LtCol Barry B. Bridger, USAF
Brig Gen Ralph T. Browning, USAF
LtCol Cecil H. Brunson, USAF
Brig Gen Edward B. Burdett, USAF
Col Arthur W. Burer, USAF
Col Donald R. Burns, USAF
Capt John D. Burns, USN
LtCol Jack M. Butcher, USAF
Col Albert E. Carlson, USA
Maj Joe V. Carpenter, USAF*
Col Larry E. Carrigan, USAF
LtCol Harlan P. Chapman, USMC
Col Fred V. Cherry, USAF
Col John W. Clark, USAF
LtCol James A. Clements, USAF
LtCol Earl G. Cobeil, USAF
Capt Gerald L. Coffee, USN
CDR George T. Coker, USN
Sgt Charles E. Crafts, USA (dec)
Col Thomas J. Curtis, USAF
CDR Glenn H. Daigle, USN
Capt Verlyne W. Daniels, USN
LtCol Robert N. Daughtrey, USAF
LtCol John O. Davies, USAF
Col George E. Day, USAF
Maj John A. Deering, USMC
Sgt Edward C. Dierling, USA
Col David B. Dingee, USAF
Col Ward K. Dodge, USAF
Col John A. Dramesi, USAF*
Col Jerry D. Driscoll, USAF
LtCol John G. Dunn, USA
Col John H. Dunn, USMC
CDR Leonard C. Eastman, USN
Brig Gen Jeffrey T. Ellis, USAF
Capt Edward D. Estes, USN
SFC Harry L. Ettmueller, USA
Capt John H. Fellowes, USN
Brig Gen Kenneth R. Fleenor, USAF
1SG Carroll E. Flora, Jr., USA
LtGen John P. Flynn, USAF
Col Willis E. Forby, USAF
LtCol Richard L. Francis, USAF
MSG Martin S. Frank, USA
CW4 John W. Frederick, USMC (Posthumously)
CDR Laurence V. Friese, USN
CDR Paul E. Galanti, USN
Capt Ralph W. Galati, USAF
Capt Gerald L. Gerndt, USAF
Col Willard S. Gideon, USAF
Capt Charles R. Gillespie, Jr., USN
Capt Wayne K. Goodermote, USN
MSG Donat J. Gouin, USA
LtCol David F. Gray, Jr., USAF
LtCol Robert R. Gregory, USAF
Col Laird Gutterson, USAF
Capt Collins H. Haines, USN
Col Keith N. Hall, USAF
LCDR Thomas R. Hall, Jr., USN
CDR Porter A. Halyburton, USN
LtCol William H. Hardy, USA
LtCol David B. Hatcher, USAF
Sgt Robert E. Hayhurst, USA
Capt John Heilig, USN
SSGT Nathan B. Henry, USA
Capt James M. Hickerson, USN
Col Robert B. Hinckley, USAF
Col Arthur T. Hoffson, USAF
Col Edward L. Hubbard, USAF
Capt James L. Hutton, USN
Capt Leo G. Hyatt, USN
Col Roger D. Ingvalson, USAF
LtCol Robert D. Jeffrey, USAF
LtCol Kenneth R. Johnson, USAF
Col Murphy N. Jones, USAF
Col Richard P. Keirn, USAF
Capt Wilson D. Key, USN
SP5 Tom Y. Kobashigawa, USA
LtCol Galand D. Kramer, USAF
Col Floyd H. Kushner, USA
Capt Thomas B. Latendresse, USN
LtCol Lauren R. Lengyel, USAF
Col Stephen R. Leopold, USA
CDR Earl G. Lewis, Jr., USN
LtCol Hayden J. Lockhart, Jr., USAF
Maj James F. Low, USAF*
Brig Gen Alan P. Lurie, USAF
Col Louis F. Makowski, USAF
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN
Col Jerry W. Marvel, USMC
LtCol Daniel F. Maslowski, USA
LtCol Ronald L. Mastin, USAF
Capt John S. McCain, III, USN
Col Norman A. McDaniel, USAF
Capt John M. McGrath, USN
MSGT William G. McMurry, USA
Col William H. Means, Jr., USAF
Capt Read B. Mecleary, USN
Capt James P. Mehl, USN
Capt William J. Metzger, Jr., USN
Col Joseph E. Milligan, USAF
Maj Paul J. Montague, USMC
CDR Dennis A. Moore, USN
Col Herschel S. Morgan, USAF
Capt Richard D. Mullen, USN
Col Armand J. Myers, USAF
LtCol Glenn L. Myers, USAF
Maj John H. Nasmyth, Jr., USAF
Capt Robert J. Naughton, USN
Col Martin J. Neuens, USAF
LtCol Wallace G. Newcomb, USAF
LtCol Stanley A. Newell, USA
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF
CW2 Michael F. O’Connor, USA
LtCol Donald E. Odell, USAF
Col James W. O’Neil, USAF
CDR Dale H. Osborne, USN
CW4 Laird P. Osburn, USA
Col Norris M. Overly, USAF*
LtCol Robert D. Peel, USAF
Col Gene T. Pemberton, USAF
SSGT Richard R. Perricone, USA
WO Michael T. Peterson, USA
Capt James G. Pirie, USN
Capt Joseph C. Plumb, Jr., USN
LtCol Melvin Pollack, USAF
Capt Larry D. Price, USAF
Capt Leo T. Profilet, USN
SSGT Robert J. Pryor, USA
Col Robert B. Purcell, USAF
MSGT Francis Quinn, USA
CDR Richard R. Ratzlaff, USN
Col James E. Ray, USAF
SSGT James M. Ray, USA
Capt Johnnie L. Ray, USA
Col William S. Reeder, Jr., USA
CDR Charles D. Rice, USN
Capt Herbert B. Ringsdorf, USAF
Col Richard F. Risner, USMC
Capt Wendell B. Rivers, USN
Capt William A. Robinson, USAF
Col James N. Rowe, USA
CDR Stephen A. Rudloff, USN
Maj Wesley L. Rumble, USAF*
Col Albert E. Runyan, USAF
Capt Kay Russell, USN
Col Robert R. Sawhill, Jr., USAF
Capt Paul H. Schulz, USN
Brig Gen James E. Sehorn, USAF
SSGT John C. Sexton, Jr., USA
Col Joseph F. Shanahan, USAF
CDR William L. Shankel, USN
Col Lewis W. Shattuck, USAF
Sgt Vernon C. Shepard, USA
Capt Edwin A. Shuman, III, USN
Capt Homer L. Smith, USN (Posthumously)
Maj Mark A. Smith, USA
Col Philip E. Smth, USAF
CW3 David W. Sooter, USA
CDR James B. Souder, USN
Capt Charles E. Southwick, USN
Col Robert D. Sponeybarger, USAF
Col Donald R. Spoon, USAF
Col Thomas J. Sterling, USAF
Col Walter M. Stischer, USAF
LtCol Thomas G. Storey, USAF
LtCol Ronald E. Storz, USAF (Posthumously)
Capt Richard A. Stratton, USN
CDR Timothy B. Sullivan, USN
Col Thomas W. Sumpter, Jr., USAF
Capt Ross R. Terry, USN
Col Floyd J. Thompson, USA
LtCol Fred N. Thompson, USAF*
CDR Gary L. Thornton, USN
Col Jack H. Tomes, USAF
Col Konrad W. Trautman, USAF
CDR William M. Tschudy, USN
Col Charles R. Tyler, USAF
Col Terry J. Uyeyama, USAF
Col Jack L. Van Loan, USAF
SP5 Thomas H. Van Putten, USA
Col Hubert C. Walker, Jr., USAF
Sgt Kenneth Wallingford, USA
Capt James H. Warner, USMC
Capt Robert L. Weskamp, USAF (Posthumously)
CDR David R. Wheat, USN
Col Glenn H. Wilson, USAF
Maj Hal K. Wilson, USAF
Capt William W. Wilson, USAF
Col Lawrence D. Writer, USAF
CW4 Roy E. Ziegler, II, USA
Defense Superior Service Medal (Total Awards: 35)
Col John Fer, USAF (2 awards)
Col William T. Mayall, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Richard G. Tangeman, USN (2 awards)
Col Gerald S. Venanzi, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen David E. Baker, USAF
LtCol Henry C. Barrows, USAF
Maj Arthur N. Black, USAF
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF
Col Michael L. Brazelton, USAF
LtCol David E. Ford, USAF
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN
Col Donald L. Heiliger, USAF
Col Howard J. Hill, USAF
Capt David W. Hoffman, USN
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN
Col Norman A. McDaniel, USAF
Capt John M. McGrath, USN
LtCol Kevin J. McManus, USAF
Col Thomas N. Moe, USAF
Col Herschel S. Morgan, USAF
Col David P. Mott, USAF
Col Armand J. Myers, USAF
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF
Capt Dale V. Raebel, USN
Col William S. Reeder, Jr., USA
Brig Gen Jon A. Reynolds, USAF
Col Joseph F. Shanahan, USAF
Capt Raymond A. Vohden, USN
Col Ronald J. Webb, USAF
CDR Charles P. Zuhoski, USN
Legion of Merit (Total Awards: 558)
VADM Joseph S. Mobley, USN (5 awards w/V)
Capt Wendell R. Alcorn, USN (4 awards w/V)
Capt Rodney A. Knutson, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col Paul K. Robinson, USAF (4 awards)
Col Edward R. Shore, Jr., USA (4 awards)
Col Wilfred K. Abbott, USAF (3 awards)
Col Bobby R. Bagley, USAF (3 awards)
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF (3 awards)
Brig Gen Ralph T. Browning (3 awards)
Capt John C. Ensch, USN (3 awards)
LtGen John P. Flynn, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Charles R. Gillespie, Jr., USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Keith N. Hall, USAF (3 awards)
Capt John Heilig, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt James M. Hickerson, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Robert B. Hinckley, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Ramon A. Horinek, USAF (3 awards)
Col Samuel R. Johnson, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Wilson D. Key, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Thomas B. Latendresse, USN (3 awards)
Brig Gen Alan P. Lurie, USAF (3 awards)
Col Norman A. McDaniel, USAF (3 awards)
Col Harold D. Monlux, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Giles R. Norrington, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Thomas E. Norris, USAF (3 awards)
Col Joseph F. Shanahan, USAF (3 awards)
RADM Robert H. Shumaker, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Donald R. Spoon, USAF (3 awards)
Col Walter M. Stischer, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Richard A. Stratton, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Richard G. Tangeman, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Raymond W. Vissotzky, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Raymond A. Vohden, USN (3 awards w/V)
CDR Everett Alvarez, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
Col William R. Austin, USAF (2 awards)
Col Elmo C. Baker, USAF (2 awards)
Col William J. Baugh, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James F. Bell, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Kile D. Berg, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Gen William J. Breckner, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col John W. Brodak, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Edward B. Burdett, USAF (2 awards)
Col Arthur W. Burer, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald R. Burns, USAF (2 awards)
Col William D. Burroughs, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Phillip N. Butler, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Larry E. Carrigan, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Arvin R. Chauncey, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Gerald L. Coffee, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Frederick A. Crow, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Carl B. Crumpler, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Glenn H. Daigle, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Verlyne W. Daniels, USN (2 awards w/V)
CSM Thomas J. Davis, USA (2 awards)
Col George E. Day, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Robert B. Doremus, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col John A. Dramesi, USAF (2 awards)*
Col Jerry D. Driscoll, USAF (2 awards)
Col John H. Dunn, USMC (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Jeffrey T. Ellis, USAF (2 awards)
Col Leon F. Ellis, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Edward D. Estes, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt John H. Fellowes, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col John Fer, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Kenneth R. Fleenor, USAF (2 awards)
Col James D. Kula, USAF (2 awards)
Col Henry P. Fowler, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CW4 John W. Frederick, USMC (2 awards w/V) (Posthumously)
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR Ralph E. Gaither, USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR Paul E. Galanti, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Willard S. Gideon, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Wayne K. Goodermote, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Laird Gutterson, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Collins H. Haines, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Carlyle S. Harris, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol David B. Hatcher, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald L. Heiliger, USAF (2 awards)
Col Arthur T. Hoffson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Edward L. Hubbard, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert M. Hudson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Gobel D. James, USAF (2 awards)
Col Julius S. Jayroe, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Harry T. Jenkins, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Harold E. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Murphy N. Jones, USAF (2 awards)
Col Richard P. Keirn, USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas H. Kirk, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF (2 awards)
Col Vernon P. Ligon, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas M. Madison, USAF (2 awards)
Col Louis F. Makowski, USAF (2 awards)
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Jerry W. Marvel, USMC (2 awards w/V)
Capt John S. McCain, III, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Eugene B. McDaniel, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Richard H. McDow, USAF (2 awards)
Capt John B. McKamey, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Thomas M. McNish, Sr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Raymond J. Merritt, USAF (2 awards)
Col Joseph E. Milligan, USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas N. Moe, USAF (2 awards)
Col Armand J. Myers, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gordon R. Nakagawa, USN (2 awards)
Capt Robert J. Naughton, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Martin J. Neuens, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF (2 awards)
Col Norris M. Overly, USAF (2 awards)*
Col Ben M. Pollard, USAF (2 awards)
Col Benjamin H. Purcell, USA (2 awards)
Col Robert B. Purcell, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Richard R. Ratzlaff, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col James E. Ray, USAF (2 awards)
Lt David G. Rehmann, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Wendell B. Rivers, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Howard E. Rutledge, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Peter V. Schoeffel, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Paul H. Schulz, USN (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen James E. Sehorn, USAF (2 awards)
Col Kenneth A. Simonet, USAF (2 awards)
Col Philip E. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
Col John E. Stavast, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert L. Stirm, USAF (2 awards)
Col Hervey S. Stockman, USAF (2 awards)
Col Leroy W. Stutz, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Timothy B. Sullivan, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Orson G. Swindle, III, USMC (2 awards w/V)
Capt Charles N. Tanner, USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR Gary L. Thornton, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Jack H. Tomes, USAF (2 awards)
Col Konrad W. Trautman, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Theodore W. Triebel, USN (2 awards)
CDR William M. Tschudy, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Jack L. Van Loan, USAF (2 awards)
Col Richard D. Vogel, USAF (2 awards)
Col Dewey W. Waddell, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert F. Waggoner, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald G. Waltman, USAF (2 awards)
Col Ronald J. Webb, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Lewis I. Williams, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR Robert D. Woods, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Robert A. Abbott, USAF
LtCol John H. Alpers, Jr., USAF
LCDR Gareth L. Anderson, USN (w/V)
LtCol Edwin L. Atterberry, USAF (Posthumously)
CDR James W. Bailey, USN (w/V)
Brig Gen David E. Baker, USAF
CDR Frederick C. Baldock, Jr., USN (w/V)
LtCol Arthur T. Ballard, Jr., USAF
LtCol Lawrence Barbay, USAF
Col Robert W. Barnett, USAF
LtCol Thomas J. Barrett, USAF
Col William R. Bean, Jr., USAF
CDR Henry J. Bedinger, USN (w/V)
LtCol James R. Berger, USAF
Col Louis H. Bernasconi, USAF
LtCol Robert I. Biss, USAF
Maj Arthur N. Black, USAF
Capt Cole Black, USN (w/V)
LtCol John C. Blevins, USAF
Col Richard E. Bolstad, USAF
Col Jack W. Bomar, USAF
LtCol Terry L. Boyer, USAF
Capt Allen C. Brady, USN (w/V)
Col Michael L. Brazelton, USAF
LtCol Richard C. Brenneman, USAF
LtCol Barry B. Bridger, USAF
Col Charles A. Brown, Jr., USAF
Capt Edward A. Brudno, USAF (Posthumously)
LCDR Richard M. Brunhaver, USN (w/V)
Col Alan L. Brunstrom, USAF
Capt Hubert E. Buchanan, USAF
Capt John D. Burns, USN (w/V)
Capt Michael T. Burns, USAF
Capt William W. Butler, USAF
Col Ronald E. Byrne, Jr., USAF
Col William G. Byrns, USAF
Capt Kenneth R. Cameron, USN (w/V) (Posthumously)
LtCol Burton W. Campbell, USAF
Capt David J. Carey, USN (w/V)
Col Albert E. Carlson, USA
CDR Allan R. Carpenter, USN (w/V)
SGM Jon R. Cavaiani, USA
Col Robert G. Certain, USAF
Capt Carl D. Chambers, USAF
LtCol Harlan P. Chapman, USMC (w/V)
Col Fred V. Cherry, USAF
LtCol Larry J. Chesley, USAF
LCDR Michael D. Christian, USN (w/V)
Col John W. Clark, USAF
LtCol James A. Clements, USAF
CDR Claude D. Clower, USN (w/V)
LtCol Earl G. Cobeil, USAF (Posthumously)
CDR George T. Coker, USN (w/V)
Col James Q. Collins, Jr., USAF
LtCol Thomas E. Collins, III, USAF
LCDR James J. Connell, USN (w/V) (Posthumously)
Col H.C. Copeland, USAF
Col Kenneth W. Cordier, USAF
Capt Arthur Cormier, USAF
Capt Kenneth L. Coskey, USN (w/V)
Col Robert R. Craner, USAF
Capt Render Crayton, USN
Capt Michael P. Cronin, USN (w/V)
CSM Winfred D. Crowe, USA
CSM Frederick H. Crowson, USA
Col Thomas J. Curtis, USAF
LtCol Robert N. Daughtrey, USAF
LtCol John O. Davies, USAF
Capt Edward A. Davis, USN (w/V)
Col David B. Dingee, USAF
LtCol Myron L. Donald, USAF
Capt Dale W. Doss, USN (w/V)
Col Daniel J. Doughty, USAF
Col David H. Duart, USAF
LtCol John G. Dunn, USA
Col Richard A. Dutton, USAF
CDR Leonard C. Eastman, USN (w/V)
LtCol Edward K. Elias, USAF*
Col David Everson, USAF
CDR Robert S. Fant, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col John S. Finlay, III, USAF
Col Kenneth Fisher, USAF
Col Fredric R. Flom, USAF
CDR Robert J. Flynn, USN (w/V)
Col Willis E. Forby, USAF
LtCol David E. Ford, USAF
Capt Fred A.W. Franke, Jr., USN (w/V)
Brig Gen Norman C. Gaddis, USAF
Capt Gerald L. Gerndt, USAF
CDR Danny E. Glenn, USN (w/V)
LtCol David F. Gray, Jr., USAF
LtCol Charles E. Greene, Jr., USAF
Capt Guy D. Gruters, USAF
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF
Col Lynn E. Guenther, USAF
Col George R. Hall, USAF
LCDR Thomas R. Hall, Jr., USN (w/V)
CDR Porter A. Halyburton, USN (w/V)
CDR William M. Hardman, USN (w/V)
LtCol Jay C. Hess, USAF
Col Leland L. Hildebrand, USAF
Col Howard J. Hill, USAF
Col James E. Hiteshew, USAF
Col James O. Hivner, USAF
Capt David W. Hoffman, USN
Col Kenneth R. Hughey, USAF
Capt James L. Hutton, USN (w/V)
Capt Leo G. Hyatt, USN (w/V)
Col Roger D. Ingvalson, USAF
Capt Charlie N. James, Jr., USN (w/V)
LtCol Robert D. Jeffrey, USAF
LtCol Jay R. Jensen, USAF
Maj Robert C. Jones, USAF
LtCol Paul A. Kari, USAF
Col James H. Kasler, USAF
LtCol Michael S. Kerr, USAF
Capt Theodore F. Kopfman, USN (w/V)
LtCol Galand D. Kramer, USAF
Col James L. Lamar, USAF
Col Gordon A. Larson, USAF
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN
Col Michael H. Labeau, USAF
LtCol Carl W. Lasiter, USAF
LtCol Ronald M. Lebert, USAF
LtCol Lauren R. Lengyel, USAF
LtCol Edward W. Leonard, Jr., USAF
Col Stephen R. Leopold, USA
Capt Henry D. Lesesne, USN
CDR Earl G. Lewis, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col Keith H. Lewis, USAF
Col Warren R. Lilly, USAF
LtCol Hayden J. Lockhart, Jr., USAF
Maj Stephen G. Long, USAF
LtCol Ronald L. Mastin, USAF
LtCol Michael K. McCuistion, USAF
Capt John M. McGrath, USN (w/V)
Col George G. McKnight, USAF
LtCol Kevin J. McManus, USAF
MSGT William G. McMurray, USA
LCDR George P. McSwain, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col William H. Means, Jr., USAF
Capt Read B. Mecleary, USN (w/V)
Capt James P. Mehl, USN (w/V)
Capt William J. Metzger, Jr., USN (w/V)
LtCol Alton B. Meyer, USAF
LCDR Edwin F. Miller, Jr., USN (w/V)
CDR Dennis A. Moore, USN (w/V)
Capt Ernest M. Moore, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col Herschel S. Morgan, USAF
Col David P. Mott, USAF
Capt Richard D. Mullen, USN (w/V)
Capt James A. Mulligan, Jr., USN (w/V)
LtCol Glenn L. Myers, USAF
Col James Y. Nagahiro, USAF
Maj John H. Nasmyth, Jr., USAF
LtCol Wallace G. Newcomb, USAF
LtCol Stanley A. Newell, USA
LtCol Cowan G. Nix, USAF
CW4 James E. Nowicki, USA
LtCol Donald E. Odell, USAF
CDR Dale H. Osborne, USN (w/V)
LtCol Thomas V. Parrott, USAF
LtCol Robert D. Peel, USAF
LtCol Glendon W. Perkins, USAF
Col Douglas B. Peterson, USAF
Capt James G. Pirie, USN (w/V)
Col John J. Pitchford, Jr., USAF
Capt Joseph C. Plumb, Jr., USN (w/V)
LtCol Melvin Pollack, USAF
Capt Leo T. Profilet, USN (w/V)
SSGT Robert J. Pryor, USA
Capt Frederick R. Purrington, USN (w/V)
Maj Darrel E. Pyle, USAF
LtCol Thomas S. Pyle, II, USAF
Capt Dale V. Raebel, USN
CW3 Donald J. Rander, USA
Col William S. Reeder, Jr., USA
Brig Gen Jon A. Reynolds, USAF
CDR Charles D. Rice, USN (w/V)
Capt Herbert B. Ringsdorf, USAF
Capt William A. Robinson, USAF
CDR David J. Rollins, USN (w/V)
Col James N. Rowe, USA
LtCol Mark J. Ruhling, USAF
Col Albert E. Runyan, USAF
Capt Kay Russell, USN (w/V)
Col Robert J. Sandvick, USAF
Col Robert R. Sawhill, Jr., USAF
Maj Wesley D. Schierman, USAF
Col Norman Schmidt, USAF (Posthumously)
LtCol Raymond C. Schrump, USA
Col Bruce G. Seeber, USAF
CDR William L. Shankel, USN (w/V)
Col Lewis W. Shattuck, USAF
Capt James R. Shively, USAF
Capt Edwin A. Shuman, III, USN (w/V)
Capt Gary R. Sigler, USAF
LtCol Thomas W. Sima, USAF
LtCol Jerry A. Singleton, USAF
CDR Bradley E. Smith, USN (w/V)
Col Dewey L. Smith, USAF
Capt Homer L. Smith, USN (w/V) (Posthumously)
LtCol Richard E. Smith, Jr., USAF
Capt Wayne O. Smith, USAF
Capt Charles E. Southwick, USN (w/V)
CDR Larry H. Spencer, USN (w/V)
Col Robert D. Sponeybarger, USAF
CDR Charles D. Stackhouse, USN (w/V)
Capt William R. Stark, USN (w/V)
Col Thomas J. Sterling, USAF
CDR Theodore G. Stier, USN (w/V)
VADM James B. Stockdale, USN (w/V)
LtCol Thomas G. Storey, USAF
LtCol Ronald E. Storz, USAF (Posthumously)
Col Dwight E. Sullivan, USAF
Col Thomas W. Sumpter, Jr., USAF
Col Bernard L. Talley, Jr., USAF
Col William H. Talley, USAF
LtCol Russell E. Temperley, USAF
Col Irby D. Terrell, Jr., USAF
Capt Ross R. Terry, USN (w/V)
Col Floyd J. Thompson, USA
Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF
LtCol Loren H. Torkelson, USAF
Col Charles R. Tyler, USAF
Col Terry J. Uyeyama, USAF
Col Gerald S. Venanzi, USAF
Col Hubert C. Walker, Jr., USAF
Capt James H. Warner, USMC (w/V)
Col Norman L. Wells, USAF
LtCol John H. Wendell, Jr., USAF
CDR David R. Wheat, USN (w/V)
Col Glenn H. Wilson, USAF
Maj Hal K. Wilson, USAF
Brig Gen David W. Winn, USAF
Capt Brian D. Woods, USN (w/V)
Col Lawrence D. Writer, USAF
Col James F. Young, USAF
CW4 Roy E. Ziegler, II, USA
Col Rudolph U. Zuberbuhler, USAF
CDR Charles P. Zuhoski, USN (w/V)
Distinguished Flying Cross (Total Awards: 719)
Col James H. Kasler, USAF (9 awards)
Capt William W. Butler, USAF (7 awards)
LtGen John P. Flynn, USAF (7 awards)
Col Raymond W. Vissotzky, USAF (7 awards)
Col William G. Byrns, USAF (6 awards)
Maj Joe V. Carpenter, USAF (6 awards)*
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (6 awards)
LtCol Carl H. Jefcoat, USAF (6 awards)
Col Harold E. Johnson, USAF (6 awards)
Col Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., USAF (6 awards)
Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF (6 awards)
LtCol Myron A. Young, USAF (6 awards)
LtCol Henry C. Barrows, USAF (5 awards)
Brig Gen Edward B. Burdett, USAF (5 awards)
Col Gordon A. Larson, USAF (5 awards w/V)
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF (5 awards)
CDR Roger G. Lerseth, USN (5 awards)
LtCol Marion A. Marshall, USAF (5 awards)
Col Richard H. McDow, USAF (5 awards)
LtCol James P. Padgett, USAF (5 awards)
Col Paul K. Robinson, Jr., USAF (5 awards)
LtCol Russell E. Temperley, USAF (5 awards)
Col Norman L. Wells, USAF (5 awards)
Col Rudolph U. Zuberbuhler, USAF (5 awards)
Capt John Abbott, USN (4 awards)
Capt Timothy R. Ayers, USAF (4 awards)
Col Elmo C. Baker, USAF (4 awards)
LtCol Gale A. Despiegler, USAF (4 awards)
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN (4 awards)
Col James L. Hughes, USAF (4 awards)
Maj James F. Low, USAF (4 awards)*
LtCol Wallace G. Newcomb, USAF (4 awards)
Col Thomas E. Norris, USAF (4 awards)
LtCol William R. Schwertfeger, USAF (4 awards)
Capt Homer L. Smith, USN (4 awards) (Posthumously)
LtCol Jack R. Trimble, USAF (4 awards)
LtCol James W. Williams, USAF (4 awards)
LtCol Edwin L. Atterberry, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Lawrence Barbay, USAF (3 awards)
Maj Richard L. Bates, USAF (3 awards)
Maj Michael J. Bosiljevac, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol James A. Clements, USAF (3 awards)
Col Thomas J. Curtis, USAF (3 awards)
Col David B. Dingee, USAF (3 awards)
Col Ward K. Dodge, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Dale W. Doss, USN (3 awards)
Col Jerry D. Driscoll, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Edward K. Elias, USAF (3 awards)*
Brig Gen Jeffrey T. Ellis, USAF (3 awards)
Col Kenneth Fisher, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol William A. Gauntt, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Charles R. Gillespie, Jr., USN (3 awards)
LtCol David B. Grant, USAF (3 awards)
Col Keith N. Hall, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Gregg O. Hanson, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Jay C. Hess, USAF (3 awards)
Col James E. Hiteshew, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Ramon A. Horinek, USAF (3 awards)
Col Edward L. Hubbard, USAF (3 awards)
Col Kenneth R. Hughey, USAF (3 awards)
Col Roger D. Ingvalson, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Harry T. Jenkins, USN (3 awards)
Col Richard P. Keirn, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Theodore F. Kopfman, USN (3 awards)
Col James L. Lamar, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Carl W. Lasiter, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Edward W. Leonard, Jr., USAF (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Frank D. Lewis, USAF (3 awards)
Col Norman A. McDaniel, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Leo T. Profilet, USN (3 awards)
Capt Herbert B. Ringsdorf, USAF (3 awards)
Brig Gen James R. Risner, USAF (3 awards)
Col Lewis W. Shattuck, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Edwin A. Shuman, III, USN (3 awards)
CDR James B. Souder, USN (3 awards)
Col John E. Stavast, USAF (3 awards)
Col Dwight E. Sullivan, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Loren H. Torkelson, USAF (3 awards)
Col Konrad W. Trautman, USAF (3 awards)
Col Gerald S. Venanzi, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Hector M. Acosta, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol John H. Alpers, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CDR James W. Bailey, USN (2 awards)
Brig Gen David E. Baker, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Frederick C. Baldock, Jr., USN (2 awards)
LtCol Arthur T. Ballard, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert W. Barnett, USAF (2 awards)
Col James E. Bean, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol William D. Beekman, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Cole Black, USN (2 awards)
Col Richard E. Bolstad, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Cecil H. Brunson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Alan L. Brunstrom, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald R. Burns, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Kenneth R. Cameron, USN (2 awards)
Col Larry E. Carrigan, USAF (2 awards)
Col Kevin J. Cheney, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Claude D. Clower, USN (2 awards)
Col William W. Conlee, USAF (2 awards)
Col Frederick A. Crow, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Samuel B. Cusimano, USAF (2 awards)
Maj James D. Cutter, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol William C. Diehl, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt David I. Drummond, USAF (2 awards)
Col Richard A. Dutton, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol William J. Elander, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col David Everson, USAF (2 awards)
Col John S. Finlay, III, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Kenneth R. Fleenor, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Hubert K. Flesher, USAF (2 awards)
Col Willis E. Forby, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Kenneth J. Fraser, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Richard J. Fulton, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gerald L. Gerndt, USAF (2 awards)
Col Peter J. Giroux, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Nobert A. Gotner, USAF (2 awards)
CMS James W. Gough, USAF (2 awards)
CDR James L. Griffin, USN (2 awards)
Capt Guy D. Gruters, USAF (2 awards)
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF (2 awards)
Col Lynn E. Guenther, USAF (2 awards)
Col Laird Gutterson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas J. Hanton, USAF (2 awards)
CDR William M. Hardman, USN (2 awards)
LtCol David B. Hatcher, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Edwin A. Hawley, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Jerome D. Heeren, USAF (2 awards)
Col James O. Hivner, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Kenneth R. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas H. Kirk, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Maj George F. Latella, USAF (2 awards)
SMS Louis E. Leblanc, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Keith H. Lewis, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James L. Lollar, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Stephen G. Long, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Jose D. Luna, USAF (2 awards)
Capt John M. McGrath, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Frederick C. McMurray, USAF (2 awards)
Col William H. Means, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Maj Gen Edward J. Mechenbier, USAF (2 awards)
Col Raymond J. Merritt, USAF (2 awards)
Col Joseph E. Milligan, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Ernest M. Moore, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Maj John S. Murphy, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Robert J. Naughton, USN (2 awards)
Col Martin J. Neuens, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Aubrey A. Nichols, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Donald E. Odell, USAF (2 awards)
Col James W. O’Neil, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas V. Parrott, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Glendon W. Perkins, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James G. Pirie, USN (2 awards)
Capt Clarence R. Polfer, USN (2 awards)
Capt Brian M. Ratzlaff, USAF (2 awards)
Col William S. Reeder, Jr., USA (2 awards)
LtCol Charles F. Riess, USAF (2 awards)
CDR David J. Rollins, USN (2 awards)
Maj Wesley L. Rumble, USAF (2 awards)*
Col Albert E. Runyan, USAF (2 awards)
Col Norman Schmidt, USAF (2 awards)
Col Brian J. Seek, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James R. Shively, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Theodore S. Sienicki, USAF (2 awards)
Col Kenneth A. Simonet, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard T. Simpson, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Bradley E. Smith, USN (2 awards)
Col Dewey L. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard E. Smith, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Wayne O. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
VADM James B. Stockdale, USN (2 awards)
Col Hervey S. Stockman, USAF (2 awards)
Col William H. Talley, USAF (2 awards)
Col Jack L. Van Loan, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Brian H. Ward, USAF (2 awards)
Col Glenn H. Wilson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert A. Abbott, USAF
CDR Alfred H. Agnew, USN
Capt Wendell R. Alcorn, USN
LtCol Fernando Alexander, USAF
CDR Everett Alvarez, Jr., USN
LCDR Gareth L. Anderson, USN
LtCol John W. Anderson, USAF
Capt William K. Angus, USMC
Capt William Y. Arcuri, USAF
LtCol Thomas J. Barrett, USAF
Col William J. Baugh, USAF
Col William R. Bean, Jr., USAF
Maj Lynn R. Beens, USAF
Capt James F. Bell, USN
LtCol Kile D. Berg, USAF
LtCol James R. Berger, USAF
Col Louis H. Bernasconi, USAF
LtCol Robert I. Biss, USAF
LtCol Jon D. Black, USAF*
LtCol John C. Blevins, USAF
Capt Ronald G. Bliss, USAF
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF
Capt Allen C. Brady, USN
Col Michael L. Brazelton, USAF
LtCol Richard C. Brenneman, USAF
LtCol Barry B. Bridger, USAF
Col Charles A. Brown, Jr., USAF
Brig Gen Ralph T. Browning, USAF
Capt Edward A. Brudno, USAF
Col Arthur W. Burer, USAF
Capt Michael T. Burns, USAF
LtCol Jack M. Butcher, USAF
Col Ronald E. Byrne, Jr., USAF
Maj Peter P. Camerota, USAF
LtCol Burton W. Campbell, USAF
Capt John P. Cerak, USAF
Col Robert G. Certain, USAF
LCDR Norris A. Charles, USN*
Col Fred V. Cherry, USAF
Col John W. Clark, USAF
Capt Gerald L. Coffee, USN
CDR George T. Coker, USN
Col James Q. Collins, Jr., USAF
LtCol Thomas E. Collins, III, USAF
LtCol James C. Condon, USAF
LCDR James J. Connell, USN
SMS James R. Cook, USAF
Col H.C. Copeland, USAF
Col Kenneth W. Cordier, USAF
Capt Arthur Cormier, USAF
Col Robert R. Craner, USAF
Maj Joseph Crecca, Jr., USAF
Capt Michael P. Cronin, USN
Col Carl B. Crumpler, USAF
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN
CDR Glenn H. Daigle, USN
Capt Verlyne W. Daniels, USN
LtCol Robert N. Daughtrey, USAF
Col George E. Day, USAF
Lt Dieter Dengler, USN
LtCol Myron L. Donald, USAF
Col John A. Dramesi, USAF*
Capt John H. Fellowes, USN
Col John Fer, USAF
Col Fredric R. Flom, USAF
CDR Robert J. Flynn, USAF
LtCol Richard L. Francis, USAF
CW4 John W. Frederick, USMC
LCDR Robert F. Frishmann, USN*
Brig Gen Norman C. Gaddis, USAF
CDR Ralph E. Gaither, USN
LtCol Terry M. Geloneck, USAF
Col Willard S. Gideon, USAF
CDR Danny E. Glenn, USN
Capt Wayne K. Goodermote, USN
Capt Paul L. Granger, USAF
LtCol David F. Gray, Jr., USAF
LtCol Charles E. Greene, Jr., USAF
LtCol Robert R. Gregory, USAF
Col George R. Hall, USAF
LCDR Thomas R. Hall, Jr., USN
Col Carlyle S. Harris, USAF
Capt John Heilig, USN
Capt James M. Hickerson, USN
Col Leland L. Hildebrand, USAF
Col Howard J. Hill, USAF
Capt David W. Hoffman, USN
Col Arthur T. Hoffson, USAF
Col Robert M. Hudson, USAF
Capt James L. Hutton, USN
Capt Leo G. Hyatt, USN
Capt Charlie N. James, Jr., USN
Col Gobel D. James, USAF
Col Julius S. Jayroe, USAF
LtCol Richard E. Johnson, USAF
Col Samuel R. Johnson, USAF
Col Murphy N. Jones, USAF
LtCol Paul A. Kari, USAF
Lt Joseph E. Kernan, USN
LtCol Michael S. Kerr, USAF
Capt Wilson D. Key, USN
LCDR Phillip A. Kientzler, USN
Capt Thomas J. Klomann, USAF
Capt Charles F. Klusmann, USN
Capt Rodney A. Knutson, USN
Col James D. Kula, USAF
Capt Thomas B. Latendresse, USN
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN
Col Michael H. Labeau, USAF
LtCol Ronald M. Lebert, USAF
LtCol Lauren R. Lengyel, USAF
CDR Earl G. Lewis, Jr., USN
Col Warren R. Lilly, USAF
LtCol Hayden J. Lockhart, Jr., USAF
Capt Donald K. Logan, USAF
Brig Gen Alan P. Lurie, USAF
TSgt Roy Madden, Jr., USAF
Col Thomas M. Madison, USAF
Col Louis F. Makowski, USAF
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN
LtCol Michael R. Martini, USAF
Col Jerry W. Marvel, USMC
LtCol Daniel F. Maslowski, USA
LtCol Ronald L. Mastin, USAF
Col William T. Mayall, USAF
Capt John S. McCain, III, USN
LtCol Michael K. McCuistion, USAF
Capt Eugene B. McDaniel, USN
LtCol Kevin J. McManus, USAF
Col Thomas M. McNish, Sr., USAF
Capt Read B. Mecleary, USN
Capt James P. Mehl, USN
Capt William J. Metzger, Jr., USN
Col Edison W. Miller, USMC*
LCDR Edwin F. Miller, Jr., USN
VADM Joseph S. Mobley, USN
Col Thomas N. Moe, USAF
SMS Gary L. Morgan, USAF
Col David P. Mott, USAF
Capt James A. Mulligan, USN
Col Armand J. Myers, USAF
LtCol Glenn L. Myers, USAF
Col James Y. Nagahiro, USAF
Maj John H. Nasmyth, Jr., USAF
Col Benjamin B. Newsom, USAF
LtCol Cowan G. Nix, USAF
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF
CW4 James E. Nowicki, USA
CW2 Michael F. O’Connor, USA
Col Norris M. Overly, USAF*
Lt Michael G. Penn, Jr., USN
Col Douglas B. Peterson, USAF
LtCol Melvin Pollack, USAF
Col Robert B. Purcell, USAF
Maj Darrel E. Pyle, USAF
Capt Dale V. Raebel, USN
Brig Gen Jon A. Reynolds, USAF
Capt Wendell B. Rivers, USN
LtCol George A. Rose, USAF
CDR Stephen A. Rudloff, USN
LtCol Mark J. Ruhling, USAF
Capt Kay Russell, USN
Capt Howard E. Rutledge, USN
Capt Peter V. Schoeffel, USN
Capt Paul H. Schulz, USN
Capt Robert J. Schweitzer, USN*
Brig Gen James E. Sehorn, USAF
Col Joseph F. Shanahan, USAF
CDR William L. Shankel, USN
LtCol Tamotsu Shingaki, USAF
RADM Robert H. Shumaker, USN
Capt Gary R. Sigler, USAF
Capt Lance P. Sijan, USAF
LtCol Thomas W. Sima, USAF
LtCol Jerry A. Singleton, USAF
Capt Charles E. Southwick, USN
LtCol William A. Spencer, USAF
Col Donald R. Spoon, USAF
Capt Ernest A. Stamm, USN (Posthumously)
Capt William R. Stark, USN
Col Thomas J. Sterling, USAF
Col Robert L. Stirm, USAF
Col Walter M. Stischer, USAF
LtCol Thomas G. Storey, USAF
Col Leroy W. Stutz, USAF
Col Bernard L. Talley, Jr., USAF
Capt Ross R. Terry, USN
LtCol Fred N. Thompson, USAF*
CDR Gary L. Thornton, USN
Col Jack H. Tomes, USAF
Capt Theodore W. Triebel, USN
CDR William M. Tschudy, USN
Col Charles R. Tyler, USAF
Col Terry J. Uyeyama, USAF
CW2 Michael B. Varnado, USA (Posthumously)
Maj Samuel R. Vaughan, USAF
Capt Duane P. Vavroch, USAF
Col Richard D. Vogel, USAF
Capt Raymond A. Vohden, USN
Col Dewey W. Waddell, USAF
Col Robert F. Waggoner, USAF
Col Ronald J. Webb, USAF
Capt Kenneth R. Wells, USAF
LtCol John H. Wendell, Jr., USAF
Capt Robert L. Weskamp, USAF (Posthumously)
CDR David R. Wheat, USN
Capt Walter E. Wilber, USN*
Capt Lewis I. Williams, Jr., USN
Maj Hal K. Wilson, USAF
Brig Gen David W. Winn, USAF
Capt Brian D. Woods, USN
Col James F. Young, USAF
LtCol John H. Yuill, USAF
Airman’s Medal (Total Awards: 3)
Capt Ronald G. Bliss, USAF (3 awards)
Navy and Marine Corps Medal (Total Awards: 3)
Maj Jose J. Anzaldua, Jr., USMC
Capt John M. McGrath, USN
Capt Walter E. Wilber, USN*
Soldiers Medal (Total Awards: 4)
MSG Harvey G. Brande, USA
Brig Gen Edward B. Burdett, USAF
Col Floyd H. Kushner, USA
CMS Thomas Moore, USAF
Bronze Star (Total Awards: 954)
Maj Mark A. Smith, USA (8 awards w/V)
Capt Howard E. Rutledge, USN (6 awards w/V)
Capt David J. Carey, USN (5 awards w/V)
CDR Claude D. Clower, USN (5 awards w/V)
Capt Render Crayton, USN (5 awards w/V)
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN (5 awards w/V)
Col Armand J. Myers, USAF (5 awards w/V)
Col Raymond W. Vissotzky, USAF (5 awards w/V)
Col Robert R. Craner, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Capt Michael P. Cronin, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col Thomas J. Curtis, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Capt Edward A. Davis, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col George E. Day, USAF (4 awards w/V)
LtCol Hubert K. Flesher, USAF (4 awards w/V)
CDR Ralph E. Gaither, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (4 awards w/V)
LtCol Ramon A. Horinek, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Col Edward L. Hubbard, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Capt Harry T. Jenkins, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col Richard P. Keirn, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Capt Rodney A. Knutson, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col James L. Lamar, USAF (4 awards w/V)
CDR Dennis A. Moore, USN (4 awards w/V)
Capt Richard D. Mullen, USN (4 awards w/V)
Capt James A. Mulligan, USN (4 awards w/V)
Capt Paul H. Schulz, USN (4 awards w/V)
CDR Larry H. Spencer, USN (4 awards w/V)
Col Donald G. Waltman, USAF (4 awards w/V)
Capt Wendell R. Alcorn, USN (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Richard C. Anshus, USA (3 awards)
Col Elmo C. Baker, USAF (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Thomas J. Barrett, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Capt Cole Black, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Ronald G. Bliss, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Ralph T. Browning, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Donald R. Burns, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Capt John D. Burns, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col William D. Burroughs, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Albert E. Carlson, USA (3 awards)
LCDR Michael D. Christian, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Gerald L. Coffee, USN (3 awards w/V)
LtCol James C. Condon, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col H.C. Copeland, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Daniel J. Doughty, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col John A. Dramesi, USAF (3 awards w/V)*
Capt Edward D. Estes, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt John H. Fellowes, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col John Fer, USAF (3 awards w/V)
CDR Robert J. Flynn, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Guy D. Gruters, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF (3 awards w/V)
CDR Porter A. Halyburton, USN (3 awards w/V)
SP6 Thomas T. Horio, USA (3 awards w/V)
Col Julius S. Jayroe, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., USAF (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Lauren R. Lengyel, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Alan P. Lurie, USAF (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Daniel F. Maslowski, USA (3 awards w/V)
Capt John S. McCain, III, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Eugene B. McDaniel, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Thomas M. McNish, Sr., USAF (3 awards w/V)
LCDR George P. McSwain, Jr., USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt William J. Metzger, Jr., USN (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Alton B. Meyer, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Lt Albert R. Molinare, USN (3 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Robert D. Peel, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Douglas B. Peterson, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Capt Joseph C. Plumb, Jr., USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt Clarence R. Polfer, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Robert B. Purcell, USAF (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Thomas S. Pyle, II, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col William S. Reeder, Jr., USA (3 awards w/V)
Brig Gen James R. Risner, USAF (3 awards w/V)
CDR David J. Rollins, USN (3 awards w/V)
CDR Stephen A. Rudloff, USN (3 awards w/V)
Col Albert E. Runyan, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Capt Kay Russell, USN (3 awards w/V)
Maj Wesley D. Schierman, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Capt Peter V. Schoeffel, USN (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Jerry A. Singleton, USAF (3 awards w/V)
CDR Bradley E. Smith, USN (3 awards w/V)
Capt James E. Southwick, USN (3 awards w/V)
CDR Theodore G. Stier, USN (3 awards w/V)
LtCol Thomas G. Storey, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Dwight E. Sullivan, USAF (3 awards w/V)
SGM Dennis L. Thompson, USA (3 awards w/V)
Col Terry J. Uyeyama, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Jack L. Van Loan, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col Robert F. Waggoner, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Capt Kenneth R. Wells, USAF (3 awards w/V)
Col James F. Young, USAF (3 awards w/V)
CW4 Roy E. Ziegler, II, USA (3 awards w/V)
Capt John M. McGrath, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Wilfred K. Abbott, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Everett Alvarez, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
LCDR Gareth L. Anderson, USN (2 awards w/V)
Maj Jose J. Anzaldua, Jr., USMC (2 awards w/V)
Col William R. Austin, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Bobby R. Bagley, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Lawrence R. Bailey, Jr., USA (2 awards)
Brig Gen David E. Baker, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Frederick C. Baldock, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Arthur T. Ballard, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Robert W. Barnett, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt James F. Bell, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Kile D. Berg, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Louis H. Bernasconi, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Robert I. Biss, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Maj Arthur N. Black, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol John C. Blevins, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Richard E. Bolstad, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Terry L. Boyer, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Allen C. Brady, USN (2 awards w/V)
MSG Harvey G. Brande, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col Michael L. Brazelton, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Maj Gen William J. Breckner, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Barry B. Bridger, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Edward A. Brudno, USAF (2 awards w/V) (Posthumously)
LCDR Richard M. Brunhaver, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Alan L. Brunstrom, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Michael T. Burns, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Phillip N. Butler, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt William W. Butler, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Allan R. Carpenter, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Larry E. Carrigan, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Arvin R. Chauncey, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Fred V. Cherry, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Luis G. Chirichigno, USA (2 awards)
LtCol James A. Clements, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR George T. Coker, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col James Q. Collins, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Kenneth W. Cordier, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Arthur Cormier, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Kenneth L. Coskey, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Frederick A. Crow, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Carl B. Crumpler, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Glenn H. Daigle, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Robert N. Daughtrey, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol John O. Davies, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CSM Thomas J. Davis, USA (2 awards)
LtCol Gale A. Despiegler, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Myron L. Donald, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Robert B. Doremus, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Dale W. Doss, USN (2 awards w/V)
Sgt Peter E. Drabic, USA (2 awards)
Col Jerry D. Driscoll, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col David H. Duart, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol John G. Dunn, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col John H. Dunn, USMC (2 awards w/V)
Capt John C. Ensch, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Leon F. Ellis, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
SFC Harry L. Ettmueller, USA (2 awards w/V)
Lt David A. Everett, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col David Everson, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Kenneth Fisher, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Kenneth R. Fleenor, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Willis E. Forby, USAF (2 awards w/V)
MSG Martin S. Frank, USA (2 awards)
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Norman C. Gaddis, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Ralph W. Galati, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Terry M. Geloneck, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Gerald L. Gerndt, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Danny E. Glenn, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Wayne K. Goodermote, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Charles E. Greene, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT Gary J. Guggenberger, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col George R. Hall, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LCDR Thomas R. Hall, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR William M. Hardman, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol William H. Hardy, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col Carlyle S. Harris, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt William J. Henderson, USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT Nathan B. Henry, USA (2 awards)
LtCol Jay C. Hess, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt James M. Hickerson, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Leland L. Hildebrand, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Howard J. Hill, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col James E. Hiteshew, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col James O. Hivner, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt David W. Hoffman, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Kenneth R. Hughey, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt James L. Hutton, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Leo G. Hyatt, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Roger D. Ingvalson, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Robert D. Jeffrey, USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT Bobby L. Johnson, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col Harold E. Johnson, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Kenneth R. Johnson, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Maj Robert C. Jones, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Paul A. Kari, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col James H. Kasler, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Michael S. Kerr, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Thomas H. Kirk, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Theodore F. Kopfman, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Gordon A. Larson, USAF (2 awards w/V)
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Ronald M. Lebert, USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT Michael R. Lenker, USA (2 awards w/V)
CDR Earl G. Lewis, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Keith H. Lewis, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Vernon P. Ligon, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Warren R. Lilly, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Hayden J. Lockhart, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT Don A. MacPhail, USA (2 awards w/V)
SP4 Issako F. Malo, USA (2 awards w/V)
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Ronald L. Mastin, USAF (2 awards w/V)
SGM Cordine McMurray, USA (2 awards w/V)
MSGT William G. McMurry, USA (2 awards w/V)
Capt Read B. Mecleary, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt James P. Mehl, USN (2 awards w/V)
CW2 Roger A. Miller, USA (2 awards)
VADM Joseph S. Mobley, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Ernest M. Moore, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
Maj John S. Murphy, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Gordon R. Nakagawa, USN (2 awards w/V)
Maj John H. Nasmyth, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Stanley A. Newell, USA (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Cowan G. Nix, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Giles R. Norrington, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Donald E. Odell, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Gordon C. Paige, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Glendon W. Perkins, USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT Richard R. Perricone, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col John J. Pitchford, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Ben M. Pollard, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Larry D. Price, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Leo T. Profilet, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Benjamin H. Purcell, USA (2 awards w/V)
Maj Darrel E. Pyle, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Dale V. Raebel, USN (2 awards w/V)
LCDR Robert I. Randall, USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR Richard R. Ratzlaff, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col James E. Ray, USAF (2 awards w/V)
SSGT James M. Ray, USA (2 awards w/V)
Lt David G. Rehmann, USN (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen Jon A. Reynolds, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Charles D. Rice, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Paul K. Robinson, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col James N. Rowe, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col Robert J. Sandvick, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Robert R. Sawhill, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Bruce G. Seeber, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen James E. Sehorn, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR William L. Shankel, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Lewis W. Shattuck, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Edwin A. Shuman, III, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Philip E. Smith, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Wayne O. Smith, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR James B. Souder, USN (2 awards w/V)
VADM James B. Stockdale, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Hervey S. Stockman, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Leroy W. Stutz, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Timothy B. Sullivan, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Orson G. Swindle, III, USMC (2 awards w/V)
SGM Robert E. Tabb, USA (2 awards w/V)
Col Bernard L. Talley, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Richard G. Tangeman, USN (2 awards w/V)
Capt Ross R. Terry, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Col Konrad W. Trautman, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Theodore W. Triebel, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Charles R. Tyler, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CW2 Michael B. Varnado, USA (2 awards w/V) (Posthumously)
Capt Raymond A. Vohden, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Dewey W. Waddell, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt George K. Wanat, Jr., USA (2 awards w/V)
Capt James H. Warner, USMC (2 awards w/V)
Col Ronald J. Webb, USAF (2 awards w/V)
LtCol John H. Wendell, Jr., USAF (2 awards w/V)
Maj Robert T. White, USA (2 awards w/V)
Capt Lewis I. Williams, Jr., USN (2 awards w/V)
Brig Gen David W. Winn, USAF (2 awards w/V)
Capt Brian D. Woods, USN (2 awards w/V)
CDR Robert D. Woods, USN (2 awards w/V)
Col Lawrence D. Writer, USAF (2 awards w/V)
CDR Charles P. Zuhoski, USN (2 awards w/V)
LtCol Joseph S. Abbott, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Col Robert A. Abbott, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Hector M. Acosta, USAF (w/V)
CDR Alfred H. Agnew, USN (w/V)
SP4 Larry D. Aiken, USA (w/V)
LtCol Fernando Alexander, USAF (w/V)
MSG David F. Allwine, USA
LtCol John H. Alpers, Jr., USAF (w/V)
MSgt John T. Anderson, USA (w/V)
LtCol John W. Anderson, USAF (w/V)
Capt Anthony C. Andrews, USAF (w/V)
Capt William K. Angus, USMC (w/V)
Maj Bruce R. Archer, USMC (w/V)
Capt William Y. Arcuri, USAF (w/V)
SFC Gerasimo Arroyo-Baez, USA
SP5 Jose M. Astorga, USA
LtCol Edwin L. Atterberry, USAF (w/V) (Posthumously)
Capt Timothy R. Ayers, USAF (w/V)
CDR James W. Bailey, USN (w/V)
SSG William A. Baird, USA
MSG Orville R. Ballenger, USA
LtCol Lawrence Barbay, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Henry C. Barrows, USAF (w/V)
Maj Richard L. Bates, USAF (w/V)
Col William R. Bean, Jr., USAF (w/V)
CDR Henry J. Bedinger, USN (w/V)
LtCol William D. Beekman, USAF (w/V)
Capt Carroll R. Beeler, USN (w/V)
Maj Lynn R. Beens, USAF (w/V)
LtCol James R. Berger, USAF (w/V)
Col Jack W. Bomar, USAF (w/V)
SP4 James W. Brigham, Jr., USA (w/V)
Col John W. Brodak, USAF (w/V)
Col Charles A. Brown, Jr., USAF (w/V)
LtCol Cecil H. Brunson, USAF (w/V)
Capt Hubert E. Buchanan, USAF (w/V)
Sgt Leonard R. Budd, Jr., USMC (w/V)
Col Arthur W. Burer, USAF (w/V)
Sgt Frederick J. Burns, USMC (w/V) (Posthumously)
LtCol Jack M. Butcher, USAF (w/V)
Col Ronald E. Byrne, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Capt Issac Camacho, USA (w/V)
Maj Peter P. Camerota, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Burton W. Campbell, USAF (w/V)
SGM Jon R. Cavaiani, USA
Capt John P. Cerak, USAF (w/V)
Col Robert G. Certain, USAF (w/V)
Capt Carl D. Chambers, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Harlan P. Chapman, USMC (w/V)
Col Kevin J. Cheney, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Larry J. Chesley, USAF (w/V)
SSG Frank E. Cius, Jr., USMC (w/V)
LtCol Thomas E. Collins, III, USAF (w/V)
Col William W. Conlee, USAF (w/V)
SMS James R. Cook, USAF (w/V)
LCDR James J. Connell, USN (w/V) (Posthumously)
Maj Joseph Crecca, Jr., USAF (w/V)
CSM Winfred D. Crowe, USA
CSM Frederick H. Crowson, USA (w/V)
Capt Samuel B. Cusimano, USAF (w/V)
Maj James D. Cutter, USAF (w/V)
Capt Verlyne W. Daniels, USN (w/V)
Maj John A. Deering, USMC (w/V)
Lt Dieter Dengler, USN
Maj James V. Dibernardo, USMC (w/V)
Col David B. Dingee, USAF (w/V)
Capt David I. Drummond, USAF (w/V)
Col Richard A. Dutton, USAF (w/V)
CDR Leonard C. Eastman, USN (w/V)
LtCol William J. Elander, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Col Artice W. Elliott, USA
Brig Gen Jeffrey T. Ellis, USAF (w/V)
CDR Robert S. Fant, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col John S. Finlay, III, USAF (w/V)
SP5 John B. Fisher, USA (w/V)
Col Fredric R. Flom, USAF (w/V)
1SG Carroll E. Flora, Jr., USA (w/V)
LtGen John P. Flynn, USAF (w/V)
Col Henry P. Fowler, Jr., USAF (w/V)
LtCol Richard L. Francis, USAF
Capt Fred A.W. Franke, Jr., USN (w/V)
CW4 John W. Frederick, USMC (w/V) (Posthumously)
CDR Laurence V. Friese, USN (w/V)
CDR Paul E. Galanti, USN (w/V)
LtCol William A. Gauntt, USAF (w/V)
Col Willard S. Gideon, USAF (w/V)
Capt Charles R. Gillespie, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col Peter J. Giroux, USAF (w/V)
Maj Theodore W. Gostas, USA
LtCol Nobert A. Gotner, USAF (w/V)
CMS James W. Gough, USAF (w/V)
MSG Donat J. Gouin, USA
SP4 Bruce A. Graening, USA (w/V)
Capt Paul L. Granger, USAF (w/V)
LtCol David B. Grant, USAF (w/V)
LtCol David F. Gray, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Sgt Edwin R. Grissett, Jr., USMC (w/V) (Posthumously)
Col Laird Gutterson, USAF (w/V)
Capt Collins H. Haines, USN (w/V)
SSG Dennis W. Hammond, USMC (w/V) (Posthumously)
Capt Gregg O. Hanson, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Thomas J. Hanton, USAF (w/V)
SSG David N. Harker, USA
LtCol David B. Hatcher, USAF (w/V)
Capt Jerome D. Heeren, USAF (w/V)
Sgt Daniel H. Hefel, USA
Capt John Heilig, USN (w/V)
Sgt Robert R. Helle, USMC (w/V)
LCDR Kenneth H. Higdon, USN (w/V)
Col Robert B. Hinckley, USAF (w/V)
Col Robert M. Hudson, USAF (w/V)
Col James L. Hughes, USAF (w/V)
MSGT James E. Jackson, USA (w/V)
Capt Charlie N. James, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col Gobel D. James, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Carl H. Jefcoat, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Jay R. Jensen, USAF (w/V)
CSM Edward R. Johnson, USA
LtCol Richard E. Johnson, USAF (w/V)
Col Samuel R. Johnson, USAF (w/V)
Col Murphy N. Jones, USAF (w/V)
Capt Wilson D. Key, USN (w/V)
LCDR Phillip A. Kientzler, USN (w/V)
Sgt Everett M. King, Jr., USA (w/V)
Capt Thomas J. Klomann, USAF (w/V)
SP5 Tom Y. Kobashigawa, USA (w/V)
LtCol Galand D. Kramer, USAF (w/V)
Capt Alan J. Kroboth, USMC (w/V)
Col James D. Kula, USAF (w/V)
Col Floyd H. Kushner USA (w/V)
Col Michael H. Labeau, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Carl W. Lasiter, USAF (w/V)
Maj George F. Latella, USAF (w/V)
Capt Thomas B. Latendresse, USN (w/V)
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF (w/V)
SMS Louis E. Leblanc, Jr., USAF (w/V)
LtCol Edward W. Leonard, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Col Stephen R. Leopold, USA (w/V)
CDR Roger G. Lerseth, USN (w/V)
Capt Henry D. Lesesne, USN (w/V)
LtCol Frank D. Lewis, USAF (w/V)
MSGT Robert Lewis, III, USA (w/V)
Capt James L. Lollar, USAF (w/V)
Maj Stephen G. Long, USAF (w/V)
TSgt Roy Madden, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Col Louis F. Makowski, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Michael R. Martini, USAF (w/V)
Col Jerry W. Marvel, USMC (w/V)
LCDR Frederick J. Masterson, USN (w/V)
Capt Melvin K. Matsui, USAF (w/V)
Col William T. Mayall, USAF (w/V)
LCDR William J. Mayhew, USN (w/V)
LtCol Michael K. McCuistion, USAF (w/V)
Col Norman A. McDaniel, USAF (w/V)
Col Richard H. McDow, USAF (w/V)
Capt John B. McKamey, USN (w/V)
Col George G. McKnight, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Kevin J. McManus, USAF (w/V)
MSGT Isiah R. McMillan, USA (w/V)
LtCol Frederick C. McMurray, USAF (w/V)
Col William H. Means, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Maj Gen Edward J. Mechenbier, USAF (w/V)
SSGT Gustav A. Mehrer, USA (w/V)
Col Raymond J. Merritt, USAF (w/V)
LCDR Edwin F. Miller, Jr., USN (w/V)
Col Joseph E. Milligan, USAF (w/V)
Col Thomas N. Moe, USAF (w/V)
Col Harold D. Monlux, USAF (w/V)
Maj Paul J. Montague, USMC (w/V)
Maj Walter H. Moon, USA (w/V)
SMS Gary L. Morgan, USAF (w/V)
Col Herschel S. Morgan, USAF (w/V)
Col David P. Mott, USAF (w/V)
Col James Y. Nagahiro, USAF (w/V)
Capt Robert J. Naughton, USN (w/V)
Col Martin J. Neuens, USAF (w/V)
CDR Aubrey A. Nichols, USN (w/V)
Col Thomas E. Norris, USAF (w/V)
CW4 James E. Nowicki, USA (w/V)
CW2 Michael F. O’Connor, USA (w/V)
Col James W. O’Neil, USAF (w/V)
CDR Dale H. Osborne, USN (w/V)
CW4 Laird P. Osburn, USA (w/V)
LtCol Thomas V. Parrott, USAF (w/V)
Maj John W. Parsels, USA (w/V)
Lt Michael G. Penn, Jr., USN (w/V)
SFC James F. Pfister, Jr., USA (w/V)
Capt James G. Pirie, USN (w/V)
CSM Daniel L. Pitzer, USA (w/V)
LtCol Melvin Pollack, USAF (w/V)
Sgt William D. Port, USA (w/V) (Posthumously)
CW4 Phillip D. Prather, USA (w/V)
SSGT Robert J. Pryor, USA (w/V)
Capt Frederick R. Purrington, USN (w/V)
MSGT Francis Quinn, USA (w/V)
CW3 Donald J. Rander, USA (w/V)
Capt Brian M. Ratzlaff, USAF (w/V)
Capt Johnnie L. Ray, USA (w/V)
Col William J. Reich, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Charles F. Riess, USAF (w/V)
Sgt Ronald L. Ridgeway, USMC (w/V)
Capt Herbert B. Ringsdorf, USAF (w/V)
Col Richard F. Risner, USMC (w/V)
Capt Wendell B. Rivers, USN (w/V)
Capt William A. Robinson, USAF (w/V)
SSGT Ferdinand A. Rodriguez, USA (w/V)
LtCol Mark J. Ruhling, USAF (w/V)
Col Norman Schmidt, USAF (w/V) (Posthumously)
LtCol William R. Schwertfeger, USAF (w/V)
Col Brian J. Seek, USAF (w/V)
Col Joseph F. Shanahan, USAF (w/V)
Sgt Robert C. Sherman, USMC (w/V) (Posthumously)
LtCol Tamotsu Shingaki, USAF (w/V)
Capt James R. Shively, USAF (w/V)
Col Edward R. Shore, Jr., USA
RADM Robert H. Shumaker, USN (w/V)
Maj Theodore S. Sienicki, USAF (w/V)
Capt Gary R. Sigler, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Thomas W. Sima, USAF (w/V)
Col Kenneth A. Simonet, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Richard T. Simpson, USAF (w/V)
Col Dewey L. Smith, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Richard E. Smith, Jr., USAF (w/V)
CW3 David W. Sooter, USA (w/V)
LtCol William A. Spencer, USAF (w/V)
Col Donald R. Spoon, USAF (w/V)
Sgt Richard H. Springman, USA*
CDR Charles D. Stackhouse, USN (w/V)
CDR Hugh A. Stafford, USN (w/V)
Capt William R. Stark, USN (w/V)
Col John E. Stavast, USAF (w/V)
Col Thomas J. Sterling, USAF (w/V)
Capt Richard A. Stratton, USN (w/V)
Col Thomas W. Sumpter, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Cpl William P. Tallaferno, USMC (w/V)
Col William H. Talley, USAF (w/V)
Capt Charles N. Tanner, USN (w/V)
LtCol Russell E. Temperley, USAF (w/V)
Col Irby D. Terrell, Jr., USAF (w/V)
CW4 William E. Thomas, Jr., USMC (w/V)
Col Floyd J. Thompson, USA (w/V)
Col Jack H. Tomes, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Loren H. Torkelson, USAF (w/V)
LtCol Jack R. Trimble, USAF (w/V)
CDR William M. Tschudy, USN (w/V)
Maj Samuel R. Vaughan, USAF (w/V)
Capt Duane P. Vavroch, USAF (w/V)
Col Richard D. Vogel, USAF (w/V)
Col Hubert C. Walker, Jr., USAF (w/V)
Sgt Kenneth Wallingford, USA (w/V)
LtCol James P. Walsh, Jr., USMC (w/V)
Capt Brian H. Ward, USAF (w/V)
Col Norman L. Wells, USAF (w/V)
CDR David R. Wheat, USN (w/V)
LCDR Robert E. Wideman, USN (w/V)
CDR Carl T. Wieland, USN (w/V)
LtCol James W. Williams, USAF (w/V)
FSGT Richard F. Williams, USA (w/V)
Maj Hal K. Wilson, USAF (w/V)
Capt William W. Wilson, USAF (w/V)
SSGT Buddy Wright, USA (w/V)
LtCol Myron A. Young, USAF (w/V)
LtCol John H. Yuill, USAF (w/V)
SSGT Joseph S. Zawtocki, Jr., USMC (w/V) (Posthumously)
Col Rudolph U. Zuberbuhler, USAF (w/V)
Purple Heart (Total Awards: 729)
Col John A. Dramesi, USAF (5 awards)*
Col Richard P. Keirn, USAF (5 awards)
LtCol John C. Blevins, USAF (4 awards)
Col George E. Day, USAF (4 awards)
Col Laird Gutterson, USAF (4 awards)
Col Theodore W. Guy, USAF (4 awards)
Col Kenneth R. Hughey, USAF (4 awards)
Brig Gen James R. Risner, USAF (4 awards)
Maj Wesley D. Schierman, USAF (4 awards)
Maj Mark A. Smith, USA (4 awards)
Maj Bruce R. Archer, USMC (3 awards)
Col Richard E. Bolstad, USAF (3 awards)
Gen Charles G. Boyd, USAF (3 awards)
Capt Kenneth R. Cameron, USN (3 awards)
Col Albert E. Carlson, USA (3 awards)
Capt Luis G. Chirichigno, USA (3 awards)
Col H.C. Copeland, USAF (3 awards)
Col Carl B. Crumpler, USAF (3 awards)
Maj John A. Deering, USMC (3 awards)
Maj James V. Dibernardo, USMC (3 awards)
1SG Carroll E. Flora, Jr., USA (3 awards)
CDR Porter A. Halyburton, USN (3 awards)
Capt David W. Hoffman, USN (3 awards)
Col Robert M. Hudson, USAF (3 awards)
Capt James L. Hutton, USN (3 awards)
Maj Robert C. Jones, USAF (3 awards)
Col Floyd H. Kushner USA (3 awards)
Maj Paul J. Montague, USMC (3 awards)
LtCol Cowan G. Nix, USAF (3 awards)
Col William S. Reeder, Jr., USA (3 awards)
Sgt Ronald L. Ridgeway, USMC (3 awards)
SSGT John C. Sexton, Jr., USA (3 awards)
Col Robert L. Stirm, USAF (3 awards)
LtCol Thomas G. Storey, USAF (3 awards)
Brig Gen David W. Winn, USAF (3 awards)
CW4 Roy E. Ziegler, II, USA (3 awards)
LtCol Joseph S. Abbott, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Wilfred K. Abbott, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Hector M. Acosta, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Alfred H. Agnew, USN (2 awards)
Capt Wendell R. Alcorn, USN (2 awards)
LtCol John H. Alpers, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CDR Everett Alvarez, Jr., USN (2 awards)
LCDR Gareth L. Anderson, USN (2 awards)
Capt William K. Angus, USMC (2 awards)
LtCol Richard C. Anshus, USA (2 awards)
Maj Jose J. Anzaldua, Jr., USMC (2 awards)
Capt Timothy R. Ayers, USAF (2 awards)
Col Bobby R. Bagley, USAF (2 awards)
CDR James W. Bailey, USN (2 awards)
Col Elmo C. Baker, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Arthur T. Ballard, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Lawrence Barbay, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert W. Barnett, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas J. Barrett, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Henry C. Barrows, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Richard L. Bates, USAF (2 awards)
Col James E. Bean, USAF (2 awards)
Col William R. Bean, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CDR Henry J. Bedinger, USN (2 awards)
LtCol William D. Beekman, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James F. Bell, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Kile D. Berg, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol James R. Berger, USAF (2 awards)
Col Louis H. Bernasconi, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Robert I. Biss, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Cole Black (2 awards)
Capt Ronald G. Bliss, USAF (2 awards)
Col Jack W. Bomar, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Gen John L. Borling, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Allen C. Brady, USN (2 awards)
MSG Harvey G. Brande, USA (2 awards)
Col Michael L. Brazelton, USAF (2 awards)
Maj Gen William J. Breckner, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Barry B. Bridger, USAF (2 awards)
Col John W. Brodak, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Paul G. Brown, USMC (2 awards)
Capt Edward A. Brudno (2 awards)
LtCol Cecil H. Brunson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Alan L. Brunstrom, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald R. Burns, USAF (2 awards)
Capt John D. Burns, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Jack M. Butcher, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Phillip N. Butler, USN (2 awards)
Capt William W. Butler, USAF (2 awards)
Col Ronald E. Byrne, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col William G. Byrns, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Issac Camacho, USA (2 awards)
LtCol Burton W. Campbell, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Allan R. Carpenter, USN (2 awards)
Col Larry E. Carrigan, USAF (2 awards)
SGM Jon R. Cavaiani, USA (2 awards)
Col Robert G. Certain, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Carl D. Chambers, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Arvin R. Chauncey, USN (2 awards)
Col Fred V. Cherry, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Larry J. Chesley, USAF (2 awards)
Col John W. Clark, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol James A. Clements, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gerald L. Coffee, USN (2 awards)
CDR George T. Coker, USN (2 awards)
Col James Q. Collins, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Thomas E. Collins, III, USAF (2 awards)
Col William W. Conlee, USAF (2 awards)
LCDR James J. Connell, USN (2 awards) (Posthumously)
SMS James R. Cook, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Arthur Cormier, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Kenneth L. Coskey, USN (2 awards)
Col Robert R. Craner, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Render Crayton, USN (2 awards)
Maj Joseph Crecca, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Michael P. Cronin, USN (2 awards)
Col Frederick A. Crow, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas J. Curtis, USAF (2 awards)
Maj James D. Cutter, USAF (2 awards)
RADM Jeremiah A. Denton, USN (2 awards)
Capt Verlyne W. Daniels, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Robert N. Daughtrey, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Edward A. Davis, USN (2 awards)
CSM Thomas J. Davis, USA (2 awards)
Col David B. Dingee, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Robert B. Doremus, USN (2 awards)
Capt Dale W. Doss, USN (2 awards)
Col Daniel J. Doughty, USAF (2 awards)
Capt David I. Drummond, USAF (2 awards)
Col David H. Duart, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol John G. Dunn, USA (2 awards)
Col John H. Dunn, USMC (2 awards)
Col Richard A. Dutton, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Leonard C. Eastman, USN (2 awards)
Capt John C. Ensch, USN (2 awards)
LtCol William J. Elander, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Artice W. Elliott, USA (2 awards)
Brig Gen Jeffrey T. Ellis, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Edward D. Estes, USN (2 awards)
SFC Harry L. Ettmueller, USA (2 awards)
Lt David A. Everett, USN (2 awards)
Col David Everson, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Robert S. Fant, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Capt John H. Fellowes, USN (2 awards)
Col Kenneth Fisher, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Kenneth R. Fleenor, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Hubert K. Flesher, USAF (2 awards)
Col Fredric R. Flom, USAF (2 awards)
LtGen John P. Flynn, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Robert J. Flynn, USN (2 awards)
Col Willis E. Forby, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol David E. Ford, USAF (2 awards)
Col Henry P. Fowler, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard L. Francis, USAF (2 awards)
MSG Martin S. Frank, USA (2 awards)
Capt Fred A.W. Franke, Jr., USN (2 awards)
CW4 John W. Frederick, USMC (2 awards) (Posthumously)
RADM Robert B. Fuller, USN (2 awards)
Capt Richard J. Fulton, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Norman C. Gaddis, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Ralph E. Gaither, USN (2 awards)
CDR Paul E. Galanti, USN (2 awards)
Capt Ralph W. Galati, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol William A. Gauntt, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gerald L. Gerndt, USAF (2 awards)
Col Willard S. Gideon, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Charles R. Gillespie, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Col Peter J. Giroux, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Danny E. Glenn, USN (2 awards)
Capt Wayne K. Goodermote, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Norbert A. Gotner, USAF (2 awards)
MSG Donat J. Gouin, USA (2 awards)
Capt Paul L. Granger, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Charles E. Greene, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Robert R. Gregory, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Guy D. Gruters, USAF (2 awards)
Col Lawrence N. Guarino, USAF (2 awards)
SSGT Gary J. Guggenberger, USA (2 awards)
Capt Collins H. Haines, USN (2 awards)
Col George R. Hall, USAF (2 awards)
Col Keith N. Hall, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gregg O. Hanson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Carlyle S. Harris, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol David B. Hatcher, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Jerome D. Heeren, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald L. Heiliger, USAF (2 awards)
Sgt Robert R. Helle, USMC (2 awards)
LtCol Jay C. Hess, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James M. Hickerson, USN (2 awards)
Col Howard J. Hill, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert B. Hinckley, USAF (2 awards)
Col James E. Hiteshew, USAF (2 awards)
Col James O. Hivner, USAF (2 awards)
Col Arthur T. Hoffson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Ramon A. Horinek, USAF (2 awards)
Col Edward L. Hubbard, USAF (2 awards)
Col James L. Hughes, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Leo G. Hyatt, USN (2 awards)
Col Roger D. Ingvalson, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Charles A. Jackson, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Charlie N. James, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Col Gobel D. James, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Harry T. Jenkins, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Jay R. Jensen, USAF (2 awards)
Col Harold E. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Kenneth R. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard E. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Samuel R. Johnson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Murphy N. Jones (2 awards)
LtCol Paul A. Kari, USAF (2 awards)
Col James H. Kasler, USAF (2 awards)
Lt Joseph E. Kernan, USN (2 awards)
Capt Wilson D. Key, USN (2 awards)
LCDR Phillip A. Kientzler, USN (2 awards)
Col Joseph W. Kittinger, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Thomas J. Klomann, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Rodney A. Knutson, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Galand D. Kramer, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Alan J. Kroboth, USMC (2 awards)
Col James L. Lamar, USAF (2 awards)
Col Gordon A. Larson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Carl W. Lasiter, USAF (2 awards)
Maj George F. Latella, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Thomas B. Latendresse, USN (2 awards)
Brig Gen James D. Latham, USAF (2 awards)
VADM William P. Lawrence, USN (2 awards)
Col Michael H. Labeau, USAF (2 awards)
SMS Louis E. Leblanc, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Lauren R. Lengyel, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Edward W. Leonard, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Stephen R. Leopold, USA (2 awards)
CDR Earl G. Lewis, Jr., USN (2 awards)
LtCol Frank D. Lewis, USAF (2 awards)
Col Keith H. Lewis, USAF (2 awards)
MSGT Robert Lewis, III, USA (2 awards)
Col Warren R. Lilly, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Hayden J. Lockhart, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt James L. Lollar, USAF (2 awards)
SSGT Julius W. Long, Jr., USA (2 awards)
LtCol Jose D. Luna, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Alan P. Lurie, USAF (2 awards)
SSGT Don A. MacPhail, USA (2 awards)
TSgt Roy Madden, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas M. Madison, USAF (2 awards)
SP4 Issako F. Malo, USA (2 awards)
VADM Edward H. Martin, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Michael R. Martini, USAF (2 awards)
Col Jerry W. Marvel, USMC (2 awards)
LtCol Ronald L. Mastin, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Melvin K. Matsui, USAF (2 awards)
Capt John S. McCain, III, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Michael K. McCuistion, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Eugene B. McDaniel, USN (2 awards)
Capt John M. McGrath, USN (2 awards)
Capt John B. McKamey, USN (2 awards)
Col George G. McKnight, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Kevin J. McManus, USAF (2 awards)
SGM Cordine McMurray, USA (2 awards)
LtCol Frederick C. McMurray, USAF (2 awards)
MSGT William G. McMurry, USA (2 awards)
Col Thomas M. McNish, Sr., USAF (2 awards)
LCDR George P. McSwain, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Maj Gen Edward J. Mechenbier, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Read B. Mecleary, USN (2 awards)
Capt James P. Mehl, USN (2 awards)
Col Raymond J. Merritt, USAF (2 awards)
Capt William J. Metzger, Jr., USN (2 awards)
LtCol Alton B. Meyer, USAF (2 awards)
Col Joseph E. Milligan, USAF (2 awards)
VADM Joseph S. Mobley, USN (2 awards)
Col Thomas N. Moe, USAF (2 awards)
Col Harold D. Monlux, USAF (2 awards)
CMS Thomas Moore, USAF (2 awards)
Col Herschel S. Morgan, USAF (2 awards)
Col David P. Mott, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Richard D. Mullen, USN (2 awards)
Capt James A. Mulligan, USN (2 awards)
Maj John S. Murphy, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Armand J. Myers, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Glenn L. Myers, USAF (2 awards)
Col James Y. Nagahiro, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gordon R. Nakagawa, USN (2 awards)
Maj John H. Nasmyth, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Robert J. Naughton, USN (2 awards)
Col Martin J. Neuens, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Wallace G. Newcomb, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Aubrey A. Nichols, USN (2 awards)
Capt Giles R. Norrington, USN (2 awards)
Col Thomas E. Norris, USAF (2 awards)
Brig Gen Kenneth W. North, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Donald E. Odell, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Dale H. Osborne, USN (2 awards)
LtCol James P. Padgett, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Gordon C. Paige, USN (2 awards)
LtCol Robert D. Peel, USAF (2 awards)
Lt Michael G. Penn, Jr., USN (2 awards)
SSGT Richard R. Perricone, USA (2 awards)
Col Douglas B. Peterson, USAF (2 awards)
Col John J. Pitchford, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CSM Daniel L. Pitzer, USA (2 awards)
LtCol Melvin Pollack, USAF (2 awards)
Col Ben M. Pollard, USAF (2 awards)
CW4 Phillip D. Prather, USA (2 awards)
Capt Larry D. Price, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Leo T. Profilet, USN (2 awards)
Col Robert B. Purcell, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Frederick R. Purrington, USN (2 awards)
Maj Darrel E. Pyle, USAF (2 awards)
CW3 Donald J. Rander, USA (2 awards)
Capt Brian M. Ratzlaff, USAF (2 awards)
Col James E. Ray, USAF (2 awards)
SSGT James M. Ray, USA (2 awards)
Capt Johnnie L. Ray, USA (2 awards)
Lt David G. Rehmann, USN (2 awards)
CDR Charles D. Rice, USN (2 awards)
Capt Herbert B. Ringsdorf, USAF (2 awards)
Col Richard F. Risner, USMC (2 awards)
Col Paul K. Robinson, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt William A. Robinson, USAF (2 awards)
CDR David J. Rollins, USN (2 awards)
Col James N. Rowe, USA (2 awards)
CDR Stephen A. Rudloff, USN (2 awards)
Col Albert E. Runyan, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Kay Russell, USN (2 awards)
Capt Howard E. Rutledge, USN (2 awards)
Col Robert J. Sandvick, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert R. Sawhill, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Col Norman Schmidt, USAF (2 awards) (Posthumously)
Capt Paul H. Schulz, USN (2 awards)
Capt Robert J. Schweitzer, USN (2 awards)*
LtCol William R. Schwertfeger, USAF (2 awards)
Col Bruce G. Seeber, USAF (2 awards)
Col Brian J. Seek, USAF (2 awards)
Col Joseph F. Shanahan, USAF (2 awards)
CDR William L. Shankel, USN (2 awards)
Col Lewis W. Shattuck, USAF (2 awards)
Sgt Robert C. Sherman, USMC (2 awards)
LtCol Tamotsu Shingaki, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James R. Shively, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Edwin A. Shuman, III, USN (2 awards)
Maj Theodore S. Sienicki, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Gary R. Sigler, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Lance P. Sijan, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard T. Simpson, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Jerry A. Singleton, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Bradley E. Smith, USN (2 awards)
Col Dewey L. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
Col Philip E. Smith, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Richard E. Smith, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
CDR James B. Souder, USN (2 awards)
Capt James E. Southwick, USN (2 awards)
CDR Larry H. Spencer, USN (2 awards)
LtCol William A. Spencer, USAF (2 awards)
Col Donald R. Spoon, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Charles D. Stackhouse, USN (2 awards)
CDR Hugh A. Stafford, USN (2 awards)
Capt William R. Stark, USN (2 awards)
Col John E. Stavast, USAF (2 awards)
Col Thomas J. Sterling, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Theodore G. Stier, USN (2 awards)
Col Walter M. Stischer, USAF (2 awards)
VADM James B. Stockdale, USN (2 awards)
Col Leroy W. Stutz, USAF (2 awards)
Col Dwight E. Sullivan, USAF (2 awards)
CDR Timothy B. Sullivan, USN (2 awards)
Col Thomas W. Sumpter, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol Orson G. Swindle, III, USMC (2 awards)
SGM Robert E. Tabb, USA (2 awards)
Col Bernard L. Talley, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Capt Richard G. Tangeman, USN (2 awards)
Sgt Dennis A. Tellier, USMC (2 awards)
LtCol Russell E. Temperley, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Ross R. Terry, USN (2 awards)
SGM Dennis L. Thompson, USA (2 awards)
Col Floyd J. Thompson, USA (2 awards)
CDR Gary L. Thornton, USN (2 awards)
Col Leo K. Thorsness, USAF (2 awards)
SP4 Coy R. Tinsley, USA (2 awards)
Col Konrad W. Trautman, USAF (2 awards)
CDR William M. Tschudy, USN (2 awards)
Col Charles R. Tyler, USAF (2 awards)
Col Terry J. Uyeyama, USAF (2 awards)
CW2 Michael B. Varnado, USA (2 awards) (Posthumously)
Capt Duane P. Vavroch, USAF (2 awards)
Col Gerald S. Venanzi, USAF (2 awards)
Col Raymond W. Vissotzky, USAF (2 awards)
Col Richard D. Vogel, USAF (2 awards)
Col Robert F. Waggoner, USAF (2 awards)
Col Hubert C. Walker, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
LtCol James P. Walsh, Jr., USMC (2 awards)
Col Donald G. Waltman, USAF (2 awards)
Capt George K. Wanat, Jr., USA (2 awards)
Capt Brian H. Ward, USAF (2 awards)
Capt James H. Warner, USMC (2 awards)
Col Ronald J. Webb, USAF (2 awards)
LtCol John H. Wendell, Jr., USAF (2 awards)
Maj Robert T. White, USA (2 awards)
LtCol James W. Williams, USAF (2 awards)
Capt Lewis I. Williams, Jr., USN (2 awards)
Col Glenn H. Wilson, USAF (2 awards)
Col Lawrence D. Writer, USAF (2 awards)
Col Rudolph U. Zuberbuhler, USAF (2 awards)