Operation Thunderhead: The True Story of Vietnam’s Final POW Rescue Mission–and the last Navy Seal Kil led in Country 

In the last year of the Vietnam conflict, even as American troops were leaving for home, there were still those fighting for their lives: prisoners of war being held in the Communist north. There were two operations launched to rescue the POWs. One—the legendary Son Tay Raid—was revealed to the public. The other was classified as Top Secret. This is the incredible true story of that almost-forgotten mission…

Among the personnel recruited for Operation Thunderhad was a select group of operators from both the U.S. Navy SEALs and the Underwater Demolition Teams who knew that if they were captured, they would be killed, tortured, or simply disappear. They went in anyway.

Here, for the first time, the details of Operation Thunderhead are revealed—the mission, the materials, and the men who put their lives on the line to save their brothers in arms.

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