Prisoner At War: The Survival of Commander Richard A. Stratton

This is a superbly written biography about an American patriot and hero. Tortured beyond his ability to resist (as were many POWs), Richard A. Stratton was singled out for exploitation by the North Vietnamese, and paraded as a well-treated prisoner in multiple press conferences. Stratton retained the ability to embarrass his captors, earning for them the reputation for brainwashing and torture, long before their actions became apparent to the civilized world. His fellow POWs, wife, sister, and other family members and friends helped deliver that message to the rest of us as the war dragged on. Anyone who lived through those times, or who is interested in the real history of the war between the US and North Vietnam, should read this book, if for no other reason than to learn the details through Scott Blakey’s unique summary.

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