One hundred and eight former American prisoners of war landed here Wednesday, and the first man to debark told a cheering crowd, “Thank God, the United States of America, and all you wonderful, good-looking people.” The first of three C141 Starlifters that brought the returnees from Gia Lam Airport outside Hanoi touched down at 5:12 p.m. For some of the distinguished passengers, the journey to freedom marked the end of almost six years of imprisonment. When the doors to the first plane swung open, Navy Capt. Leo T. Profilet, as senior member of that flight, saluted and made his way down to a red carpet, where he was greeted by Adm. Noel Gayler, commander-in-chief Pacific; Henry A. Byroade, U.S. ambassador to the Philippines; Lt. Gen. William G. Moore Jr., 13th Air Force commander and several hundred spectators who showered returnees with shouts and applause. A prisoner since Aug. 21, 1967, Profilet spoke in a broken but cheerful voice as he delivered a touching message of gratitude. Followed by 39 other passengers on the first flight, he walked to a blue Air Force ambulance bus that took the returnees to the base hospital for processing and medical checks.
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Source – Stars and Stripes