The story of George “Bud” Day who flew F-100s on perilous MISTY FAC missions and then as a POW in North Vietnam became one of America’s greatest heroes and earned the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Post Views: 164
A military Memoir tracing the Author’s combat tours in SE Aisa, followed by 75 months in communist prisons. Post Views: 134
Jane Fonda’s visit to Hanoi in July 1972 and her pro-North Vietnamese, anti-American conduct, especially her pose with an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American planes and her propaganda broadcasts directed toward American troops, angered many Americans. In their eyes, she was guilty of treason, but she was never
Neophyte missionaries to Laos, the Land of a Million Elephants. The Vietnam War has slopped over into Laos and is taking a horrific toll. Lloyd and Sam are taken prisoners of the Communist North Vietnamese Army. Follow them as they journey into the Eye of the Tempest. Post Views: 141
This ‘On the Record™’ dual biography shares the experiences of two American soldiers taken as Prisoners of War: Everett Alvarez in Vietnam and Shoshana Johnson in Iraq. Post Views: 110
Unsure whether they would be greeted as traitors or heroes, POWs returning from Vietnam responded by holding tight to their chosen motto, “Return with Honor.” “We’re giving the American people what they want and badly need–heroes,” said a Vietnam jungle POW. “I feel it’s our responsibility, our duty to help