Vietnam Veterans Share Their Story Of Survival In Hanoi Hilton

One of the most remarkable stories to come out the Vietnam War involved American pilots who picked up their lives after brutal imprisonment in North Vietnam. NBC special correspondent Tom Brokaw joins them for a reunion in San Diego.

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What Really Happened To MIA Soldiers In Vietnam?

Vietnam is often called “the war that won’t go away”, largely because of the continuing controversy of the POW/MIA (Prisoners Of War / Missing In Action) issue. Families of those who were POW/MIA in Vietnam organized an activist movement which went on to pursue a question which still haunts America nearly decades later: were soldiers left behind in captivity after the Vietnam War? Once the exclusive domain of a select fraternity of soldiers’ wives, the

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George Day, Medal of Honor, Vietnam War

Shot down on a secret mission during the Vietnam War, Major George “Bud” Day was captured and resisted severe torture as a POW in the “Hanoi Hilton” from 1967 to 1973. Three years after his release, on March 6, 1976, Day was presented with the Medal of Honor along with fellow POW Admiral James Stockdale.

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Homecoming Gia Lam Airport, Hanoi, Vietnam, And Clark Ab, Philippine Islands, 14-19 March 1973

Shot card: ROLL: R36F-439 -HANOI -FIRST FLIGHT-14 MARCH 1973 Reel 8 1) CUs of Vietnamese people watching release ceremony. 2) Sequence showing returnees debarking bus, lining up, and stepping forward as their names are called: Lt Col H. C. Copeland, USAF; Lt Charles Zuhoski, USN; Capt Wallace Newcomb, USAF; Capt Carl Chambers, USAF; Maj Glenn Wilson, USAF; Capt Lauren Lengyel, USAF; Maj Glenn Myers, USAF; Maj Thomas Norris, USAF; Maj Thomas Parrott, USAF; Comdr Leo

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Admiral Jeremiah Denton Blinks T-O-R-T-U-R-E using Morse Code as P.O.W.

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