Inspect the savage sufferings and breaking points the American captives endured at the hands of their Vietnamese captors during the Vietnam Conflict as we touch down on Southern & Northern Vietnam camps as well as other outpost sites deep in the Indo-Chinese borderlands with Aldo scouring stories from firsthand accounts of real hard-boiled prisoners of war — including collaborators with the enemy. ——— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— — 0:24 Northern prisoner camps
Interview with Rick Bates, former US Air Force F-4 pilot, and Vietnam War POW. Rick talks about his experience in the Air Force and as a POW in Hanoi, North Vietnam.
For nearly six years, Colonel Tom Norris was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, now he’s sharing his story.
Vietnam Prisoners of War recall their experiences and the inspirational story of how they not only survived their imprisonment, but found growth and gratitude afterwards. Their stories are juxtaposed with those of recent Naval Academy Midshipmen who are facing the COVID pandemic and applying those same foundational values to their own experiences.