Volume I of this two volume set includes the names of all U.S. Air Force Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war, as well as the citations for nearly 2,000 awards of the Bronze Star and higher.
Post Views: 161
Volume I of this two volume set includes the names of all U.S. Air Force Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war, as well as the citations for nearly 2,000 awards of the Bronze Star and higher.
An account of the experiences of Marine PFC Robert Garwood as a prisoner of war in Vietnam explores the controversy over a man accused of collaboration with the Viet Cong Post Views: 173
Ernest C. Brace was a former Marine hero, banished in disgrace from the Corps. In 1965, while working as a civilian pilot in Laos, he was captured and spent the next two years in a bamboo cage with his legs in stocks. His bravery did not diminish when transferred to
This invaluable A–Z reference work presents nearly 300 entries that survey the history of prisoners of war and interned civilians from the earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. Medical conditions, international law, exchanges of prisoners, organizations working on behalf of POWs, and trials
A former POW describes his experiences in a North Vietnamese prison camp, enduring hunger, torture, and the threat of death, while his wife describes her attempts to locate him and have him released. Post Views: 178
How did a prisoner of war survive six years and eight months of soul-crushing imprisonment and torture in the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam War? By writing poetry. And how did he do it without pencil or paper? Then-captain John Borling ”wrote” and memorized poems to keep his mind sharp