A Brooklyn P.O.W. Meets New Niece an Nephew (Ferdinand Rodriquez, Doremus)

Pvt. Ferdinand Rodriguez of Brooklyn, a prisoner of war in Vietnam for the last five years, ate lunch with his family at Valley Forge General Hospital today and met his niece and nephew for the first time.

And 20 miles southeast of here, at the Philadelphia NaVal Base, Comdr. Robert B. Doremus, of Montclair, N. J., who had not been his wife and children for seven and a half years, got the names of his two daughters mixed up, greeting 11‐year‐old Barbara as Karen, who is 16.

Commander Doremus and Priyate Rodriguez were among the prisoners of war from, the New. York area who arrived in Philadelphia at 11:15. P.M. after a 25‐hour flight front Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines.

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