Serve With Pride & Return With Honor: A Hanoi Hilton Odyssey

On August 23, 1967, Major Mo Baker, after flying sixty-one missions over North Vietnam, was shot out of the sky over Hanoi by enemy anti-aircraft fire. Thus began a five and a half year ordeal of survival in the prisons of North Vietnam, including the infamous Hanoi Hilton. Serve With Pride & Return with Honor, chronicles his journey to the skies over Hanoi and his brutal existence as an Air Force Prisoner of War. Torture, neglect, mistreatment, and humiliation was a staple of his years serving as a prisoner of the North Vietnamese. Eventually, Mo was released among the 601 returnees. In the forty year interval between that release and now, his memories have been as vignettes and the focus of impromptu talks. Serve With Pride & Return With Honor now assembles all of these memories in a concise and comprehensive account. By all accounts he now lives a blessed life, of which there was little hope in the dungeons of the Hanoi Hilton. His gratitude and respect for those airmen with which he served knows no bounds. The memory of flying wing tip to wing tip with them will forever be recorded in this volume for they were among the ones who Served With Pride & Returned With Honor.

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